
Minder 1.16.3 crashes on Ubuntu 23.10 (Flatpak)

Opened this issue · 10 comments

I have been using Minder for awhile but strangely today, it stopped working for no reason. I tried running Minder from the command line and these are the debug outputs.

flatpak run com.github.phase1geo.minder

(com.github.phase1geo.minder:2): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 15:03:33.252: gtk_im_context_set_cursor_location: assertion 'GTK_IS_IM_CONTEXT (context)' failed

(com.github.phase1geo.minder:2): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 15:03:33.252: gtk_im_context_focus_in: assertion 'GTK_IS_IM_CONTEXT (context)' failed

(com.github.phase1geo.minder:2): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 15:03:33.266: Settings schema 'org.gtk.Settings.ColorChooser' is not installed

I don't know what happened, but that last error message line is what is causing the application to crash. Only thing is that setting is not something that Minder specifically uses. Looks like an issue with Gtk itself. I'm not sure that I can be of more help, but hopefully that gets you moving in the right direction.

UPDATE: i installed minder via APT and it works! It just crashes in flatpak at my case.

I'm having the same issue today. I believe it was caused by a update from early in the morning, because i used minder yesterday and the day before.

What happens in my case is that it tries to open, but crashes e closes. When looking at the log, i have the same messages.

My OS is Ubuntu 22.04 and i installed the Minder via Flatpak at Gnome Software app.

Excellent application, thank you!
Sadly, some Flatpak updates a couple of days ago seem to have broken my installation too, on Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon.
Now the app crashes immediately on launch with:

Gtk-Message: 16:22:03.727: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"

(com.github.phase1geo.minder:2): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 16:22:05.051: Settings schema 'org.gtk.Settings.ColorChooser' is not installed

Reinstalling the flatpak version (v1.16.3), as well as some relevant xapp-* libraries didn't resolve anything.
flatpak repair also had no effect.

I'm wondering, in what degree are my files backwards-compatible with the current APT version (v1.13.1)?

Also, any pointers on how to actually figure out what is wrong here are most welcome.

The proposed fixes don't help.

I did

sudo flatpak update --commit=12f12ccbb8e0622c53750402e558d85983022f1f3442776626d493d434dba3c9 com.github.phase1geo.minder

to revert to the latest working version. Something must have changed.

Try the fix found here:

It did not work. However it starts working again now for some reason.

Try the fix found here:

This had no effect, but thank you for the suggestion.
Before I started digging into the errors, the next Flatpak updates seem to have fixed this.
I'm still getting the first error about the module loading but functionality is apparently restored for now. Cheers!

Updating to 1.16.3 again somehow fixed the issue, as reported by @HALKRON. So the issue is resolved for me, but the root cause is still unclear and may hit others. I'd recommend leaving this issue ticket open until it is clear what happened.

1.16.4 stopped working, again with Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module" and reverting back to any version does not fix it.

According to this Linuxmint is shipping with a defective flatpak distribution.

Related issue: linuxmint/xdg-desktop-portal-xapp#2

I think that this message is a red herring. I've seen this error message on systems and it does not lead to the application crashing. If you attempt to start the application and nothing happens, first check to make sure that there isn't another minder process running. To check for this, startup a terminal and enter the command 'ps -fe | grep minder'. If you see a line that looks similar to:

trevorw@KPL-W0X-4d69d9bc:~/projects/Minder$ ps -fe | grep minder
trevorw   102927  102915  9 20:53 pts/0    00:00:02 ./com.github.phase1geo.minder

Kill the process off by copy/pasting the first integer (this is the ID of the process) and entering kill -9 <id>. In the above example, this would be kill -9 102927. After the process is killed, try running Minder again.