
Drupal Extension for Behat

Primary LanguagePHP


This extension provides Behat integration with Drupal CMS projects. It provides:

  • DrupalMinkContext, which provides some useful step definitions for common Drupal functions, such as creating users and logging in.


This extension requires:

Through Composer

  1. Define dependencies in your composer.json:
       "require": {
           "phase2/drupal-extension": "dev-master"
       "repositories": [
           "type": "vcs",
           "url": "https://github.com/phase2/behat-drupal-extension"
  1. Install/update your vendors
   $ curl http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
   $ php composer.phar install
  1. Activate extension in your behat.yml
     # ...
           drupal_root: /path/to/drupal
           base_url: http://example.com/


After installing extension, there are 2 usage options available for you:

  1. Set the context class in the configuration file to use DrupalMinkContext.
   # behat.yml
       class: Phase2\Behat\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalMinkContext

This will give you access to all of the pre-defined Drupal and Mink steps without needing to create a FeatureContext of your own.

  1. Extend Phase2\Behat\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalMinkContext with your context or subcontext if you need additional step definitions or hooks.


DrupalExtension comes with a flexible configuration system, that gives you the ability to configure how Drupal is used.

  • drupal_root - specifies the path to your Drupal document root.
  • base_url - specify the URL to be used when bootstrapping Drupal. If using MinkExtension, this should match the base_url in the MinkExtension settings.
  • module - specify the name of an enabled Drupal module to run the feature suite bundled with the module.