
by ex-googlers, for ex-googlers

A handy lookup table of similar technology and services to help xooglers survive the real world :)
pull-requests welcomed. this doc is only intended for well-known technology and services.

See also: The Hadoop Ecosystem Table

Please do not list any confidential projects!


Core Technology

Google Internal Google Open Source Open Source
MapReduce Apache Hadoop, Spark
Protocol Buffer Protobuf Cap'n Proto, Thrift, Avro
Network protocol gRPC Bolt, Thrift
Chubby Apache Zookeeper, etcd
? Apache Kafka, Apache Pulsar


Google Internal Google Open Source Open Source
Borg Kubernetes, Apache Mesos
GSLB (load balancer) ELB, Istio, F5, envoy


Google Internal Google Open Source Open Source
GFS/Colossus HDFS, Ceph, GlusterFS
BigTable Cassandra, HBase, Accumulo, DynamoDB
Spanner cloud spanner CockroachDB
columnIO Apache Parquet
sstable levelDB


Google Internal Google Open Source Open Source
Dremel bigquery Apache Drill, Presto, AWS Athena, Spark(sort-of), Redshift Spectrum
Dremel UI https://redash.io/
Search (Mustang, Alexandria) Elasticsearch, Solr, Lucene
pubsub pubsub RabbitMQ, AWS SQS/SNS, PubNub


Google Internal Google Open Source Real World
Blaze Bazel
Oncall PagerDuty, OpsGenie, VictorOps
varz/borgmon Prometheus, librato, newrelic, skylight, scout, also this and this
Exception/Error Tracking (??) Sentry.io, Raygun.io, Rollbar, Honeybadger, Airbrake, OverOps
styleguides google styleguides
blaze test / build / CI buildkite, circleCI, travis, jenkins, gitlabCI
continuous delivery / releasing lambdaCD, screwdriver.cd, CodeShip, shipit-engine, GoCD, AWS CodeDeploy, Capistrano, Fabric, ConcourseCI
borg / borgcfg AWS Cloudformation, Puppet, Chef, Salt, Ansible, Terraform
logging logstash, fluentd, papertrail, cernan


Google Internal Real World
free food :(
software engineering at google
valentine 1Password Lastpass
OWNERS files in repo github CODEOWNERS
snippets Khan/snippets