
Balanced diet on a budget

Primary LanguagePython



Try it Here

sign up or use the already preconfigured username:edoardo password:stigler01

[setup on local machine]

  • git clone
  • install conda (https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual)
  • open terminal (there should be "(base)" at the beginning of the line)
  • conda env create stigler_app --file environment.yml
  • conda activate stigler app
  • cd into stigler_app/stigler_app
  • python manage.py migrate
  • python manage.py createsuperuser (create a superuser account)
  • python manage.py runserver
  • to initialise the database with a few values
  • and login with superuser account
  • click on dashboard
  • click on "import local" (bottom right)
  • database has been filled in with default values from a local excel file
  • logout

[end setup on local machine]

available users:

  • user:alessandra pwd:stigler01 (customer user)
  • user:olivia pwd:stigler01 (customer user)
  • user:edoardo pwd:stigler01 (staff user)

everything set now, you can generate a new menu in "Today's menu" or change the target macros in the "User" page