
AngularJS, Express and MongoDB starter kit.

Primary LanguageCSS


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Dashboard app based on AngularJS, Express and MongoDB

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • Mac OS X, Windows, or Linux
  • Git installed
  • Node.js v4.5 or newer
  • npm v3.10 or newer (new to npm?)
  • bower v1.7 or newer (install bower)
  • grunt-cli (install grunt-cli)

Clone the repository

Open up a terminal

git clone https://github.com/phatpham9/dashboard.git
cd dashboard


  • Component-driven architecture: components based constructed source code both client & server.
  • Node ACL: access control lists, APIs authorization.
  • Passport.js: Passport local authentication included.
  • GruntJS Tasks: clean, copy, concat, uglify, cssmin, ejs, htmlmin, nodemon, watch, concurrent, etc...


Install dependencies

The following command will install node dependencies, then auto install client components via bower.

npm install



This app.json information is used for default server config and injected to client source code.

  • name: build assets' filename, angular app name, prefix of session id, localstorage data, etc...
  • title: app title, title meta tag
  • description: description meta tag
  • version: build assets' version filename
  • year: copyright year
  • language: default language of angular app
  • cookieId: browser cookie id
  • modules: angular modules' name
  • author: made with love by & from


  • database.js: host, port and database name
  • email.js: admin email, email from (whose send to user), email service credentials
  • index.js: host and port
  • permissions.js: default permissions of admin user
  • session.js: session secret, etc...
  • view.js: expressjs view engine


Default data to load on starting server. All data must have isProtected: true.

  • group.js: default protected groups such as admin
  • setting.js: default permissions (stored in db also) and menubar tree
  • user.js: default users such as admin



npm start

Open the browser and enter http://localhost:9000/


npm run build:prod && node server/app
