
[![CI Status]( Zamataev/DZVideoPlayerViewController.svg?style=flat)]( Zamataev/DZVideoPlayerViewController) Version License Platform

##What is it

iOS Video Player control, implemented with AVPlayer.



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iOS Video Player control that features

  • play online or offline videos
  • playback controls: play, pause, toggle fullscreen, current time and left time labels
  • progress indicator that shows downloaded amount and allows the user to rewind
  • remote command center support
  • remote control (headset) support
  • background playback
  • now playing info updates
  • easy customization with Interface Builder
  • has several styles to choose from
  • default style is similiar to MPMoviePlayerViewController


This pod contains an Example project showing how to play local file and implement fullscreen expand and shrink transitioning.

You can find more example usage of this control here at OhMyTube github page.

Basic snippet to start with:

    self.videoPlayerViewController.delegate = self;
    self.videoPlayerViewController.videoURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
    self.videoPlayerViewController.isBackgroundPlaybackEnabled = YES;
    [self.videoPlayerViewController prepareAndPlayAutomatically:YES];

Implement DZVideoPlayerViewControllerDelegate

#pragma mark - <DZVideoPlayerViewControllerDelegate>

- (void)playerFailedToLoadAssetWithError:(NSError *)error {


- (void)playerDidPlay {

- (void)playerDidPause {

- (void)playerDidStop {

- (void)playerDidToggleFullscreen {
    if (self.videoPlayerViewController.isFullscreen) {
        // TODO: implement expand videoPlayerViewController to fullscreen
    else {
        // TODO: implement shrink videoPlayerViewController from fullscreen

- (void)playerDidPlayToEndTime {

- (void)playerFailedToPlayToEndTime {

- (void)playerPlaybackStalled {

- (void)playerGatherNowPlayingInfo:(NSMutableDictionary *)nowPlayingInfo {
//    [nowPlayingInfo forKey:MPMediaItemPropertyArtist];
    [nowPlayingInfo forKey:MPMediaItemPropertyTitle];


Version 0.2.* and above runs on iOS 8.0 and later. Version 0.1.* runs on iOS 7.0 and later.


There are at least 3 ways to customize this control.

  1. Create custom XIB and hook up the Outlets as they appear in default XIB (DZVideoPlayerViewController.xib). No need to hook actions, because they will be added programmatically in the DZVideoPlayerViewController class.
  2. Subclass DZVideoPlayerViewController and provide your overrides for different methods.
  3. Manipulate views by their public properties. Set images for playButton and pauseButton, change tint color on progressIndicator, hide fullscreenExpandButton and fullscreenShrinkButton if you don't want that feature.

Feel free to provide Pull Requests with custom XIBs you create. Good luck!


DZVideoPlayerViewController is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "DZVideoPlayerViewController"

Similar Controls


Denis Zamataev,


DZVideoPlayerViewController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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