
Primary LanguagePython


install miniconda

  1. wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh

  2. Run the installer

    bash Miniconda3*

    (accept all defaults, and agree to let installer append activation lines to your .bashrc)

2b. start a fresh bash shell

  1. Make conda-forge the default channel

    conda config --prepend channels conda-forge

  2. Update conda

    conda update -n base conda

  3. Install git

    conda install git

  4. Update everything else

    conda update --all

  5. clone this repo

    git clone https://github.com/phaustin/jdtalk.git

  6. create and activate the environment

      cd jdtalk/notebooks/python
      conda env create -f environment.yml
      conda activate dask
  7. Run the script

    python big_data.py

this should block while it does work on six workers, with status graphs on port 8787