- 3
- 1
- 2
Enable Saxon trace listener
#176 opened by SvenHaul - 2
Variable defined as an XPath location with a predicate causes a warning
#175 opened by bertrand-lorentz - 10
Invalid xslt when using maven plugin
#174 opened by oliverunger - 5
- 5
- 6
Inconsistent Error Handling: XSLT-Based Resource Fails, While Pure Resource Completes Validation
#171 opened by gediminasre - 4
- 3
- 4
Attribute @subject not used for location in SVRL result
#133 opened by ericlop - 3
Attribute 'document' is not allowed to appear in element 'svrl:active-pattern'
#149 opened by pigelvy - 8
Unable to compare attribute with variable (let)
#143 opened by FlorianTim - 2
HTML tags not working
#160 opened by pradyumanaggarwal - 4
- 1
Reduce jar size when shading ph-schematron-pure
#163 opened by fhnaumann - 3
Missing methods to retrieve detailed diagnostics information from SVRL reports?
#158 opened by ingofrank - 6
External Doc support in schematron
#161 opened by pradyumanaggarwal - 2
- 2
Lower Version of ph-schematron is not compatible with Higher version of ph-commons
#154 opened by Agastya007 - 1
- 19
Cannot find a 0-argument function named Q{}current()
#156 opened by KonradEichstaedt - 1
Schematron convert at build time not working
#155 opened by GediminasVaistai - 2
Error: Failed to create JAXB context for package 'com.helger.schematron.svrl.jaxb' ...
#153 opened by GediminasVaistai - 8
- 21
- 4
pure: Variable defined in pattern are not resolved when used in rule context
#142 opened by bertrand-lorentz - 13
Concurrent Usage
#141 opened by cemo - 2
Thread-safety of SchematronResourceXSLT
#132 opened by qligier - 5
SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a
#140 opened by cemo - 11
Jakarta support
#139 opened by cemo - 1
Pure schematron configurable delimiter for ID pool
#138 opened by mmcareit - 10
Lose curly brackets in matches function
#137 opened by floyd8787 - 1
Pure Schematron - how to support castable?
#136 opened by phax - 2
Failed to precompile the supplied schema.
#135 opened by apostaat - 6
sch:span use in 4.1.0 Pure
#134 opened by scottbdr - 2
- 1
Move GitHub page to Wiki
#121 opened by phax - 11
Caching and resourceID problem
#118 opened by olavivaino - 9
Revert to Saxon version 9*? 【question】
#129 opened by zzllkk2003 - 2
how to use the ph-schematron 【question】
#130 opened by zzllkk2003 - 3
Silence [DEBUG] messages
#128 opened by ruthrapr - 3
I am new to JAVA and ph-schematron. I am getting the no main manifest attribute, in ph-schematron-pure-6.0.2.jar while running the jar or class file missing error running the Can some one help me please.
#127 opened by rmurali84 - 2
Language attribute not set on DiagnosticReference when validating as pure Schematron
#126 opened by costas80 - 2
Avoid having whole SVRL DOM in memory
#125 opened by robertmarkbram - 2
Error parsing the following SVRL
#124 opened by robertmarkbram - 4
Rule not fired when context is an attribute
#123 opened by Falcon2677 - 2
[question] InputStream instead of file
#122 opened by cshjsc - 12
Possibility to cancel / abort validation
#119 opened by Michiel-s - 4
Any examples on how to use this library?
#120 opened by robertmarkbram