A discord bot for genshin communities
- Get a bot token from Discord Developer Portal after setting it up (you can find dozens of youtbe videos explaining this step)
- Get a Tenor gifs token from their website
- Turn on developer mode in discord to get channels IDs
- Rename example.env to .env and fill the field with the following
- TOKEN=type here the discord bot token
- ROLES=type here the ID of the roles channel
- RULES=type here the Id of the rules channel
- TENOR=type here the Tenor gifs token
- WELCOME=type here the ID of the channel where the bot will welcome new members
- ONLINE=type here the ID of the channel where the bot will notify you when it comes online
- clone the repo to your pc and then:
- install nodejs
- npm install : type that in the terminal to install the dependencies
- node . : type that in the terminal to run the bot from your local pc
- find a reliable hosting for the bot or a rasberry pi if you have one or a local old pc that you don't use
- the bot will automatically detect names of genshin impact characters and some member of Genshin Impact - Morocco community and reply with something relevant to them or mocking them
- !gif [character] : the bot will search in Tenor for a gif related to the character mentioned in the command
- !tip : this command will give you a random loading screen tip from genshin
- !tip -t [topic] : this command does the same as the one above but it is specified to some topics, the list of topics is as follows:
- General: use !tip -t general
- Mondstadt: use !tip -t mondstadt or monstade or mondstad
- Golden Apple Archipelago: use !tip -t golden or apple or archipelago
- Spiral Abyss: use !tip -t spiral or abyss
- Domains: use !tip -t domains or domain
- Serenitea Pot: use !tip -t pot or teapot or serenitea
- Enkanomiya: use !tip -t enkanomiya or enkonomiya or enkanomia or enkonomia or eukonomiya