
Lightweight Assembler MAcro library for cc65

Primary LanguageAssemblyThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Lightweight Assembler MAcro library for cc65

Contains macros for 16 bit operations and easier screen output, for example:

.include "LAMAlib.inc"          ; include LAMAlib macros
                                ; this does not add extra code unless you use a function

ldax #$1234                     ; load a 16 bit value into registers A/X
adcax #$2345                    ; add another 16 bit value
stax $C000                      ; store result

set_cursor_pos 10,0
print "The result is ",($C000)  ; print the result to the screen

poke 198,0                      ; empty keyboard buffer
 lda 198
loop while eq                   ; wait for pressed key

Please find the full documentation here: lamalibdoc.html