
OBJ to glTF converter for Java

Primary LanguageJava

OBJ to glTF converter for Java 🔄

This is a library for converting OBJ files into glTF assets. You can convert OBJ file embedded or binary.

Usage examples ✔️

  • Convert OBJ file binary


     String inputObjFilePath = "src/main/resources/model/model.obj";
     String inputMtlFileName = "model";
     String outputFilePath = "src/main/resources/model/output_binary/";
     String outputFileName = "model";
     BufferStrategy bufferStrategy = BufferStrategy.BUFFER_PER_FILE;
     IndicesComponentType indicesComponentType = IndicesComponentType.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;

     ConvertObjToGltf convertObjToGltf = new ConvertObjToGltf.Builder().inputObjFilePath(inputObjFilePath)


  • Convert OBJ file embedded


     String inputObjFilePath = "src/main/resources/model/model.obj";
     String inputMtlFileName = "model";
     String outputFilePath = "src/main/resources/model/output_binary/";
     String outputFileName = "model";
     BufferStrategy bufferStrategy = BufferStrategy.BUFFER_PER_FILE;
     IndicesComponentType indicesComponentType = IndicesComponentType.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
     GltfWriteType gltfWriteType = GltfWriteType.EMBEDDED;

     ConvertObjToGltf convertObjToGltf = new ConvertObjToGltf.Builder().inputObjFilePath(inputObjFilePath)


You can see all of usage on ConvertObjToGltfTest.java

You can see available input OBJ files and output files on src/main/resources/model/

Thanks https://github.com/javagl/JglTF/tree/master/jgltf-obj