Imagepicker plugin supporting both single and multiple selection.
Plugin supports iOS8+ and uses QBImagePicker cocoa pod.
For Android it uses Intents to open the stock images or file pickers. For Android 6 (API 23) and above the permissions to read file storage should be explicitly required. See demo for implementation details.
- Installation
- Configuration
- Migrating from 5.x.x to 6.x.x
- Migrating from 4.x.x to 5.x.x
- Migrating from 3.x.x to 4.x.x
- Usage
- Contribute
- Get Help
In Command prompt / Terminal navigate to your application root folder and run:
tns plugin add nativescript-imagepicker
tns run
No additional configuration required!
Migrating from 5.x.x to 6.x.x
With version 6.x.x the dependency to the nativescript-ui-listview
plugin is removed and for iOS the QBImagePicker cocoa pod is used. Now the plugin supports some new features, fixes some bugs and has a more native look in iOS. You should remove any dependencies to nativescript-pro-ui
, nativescript-ui-listview
, etc. in case you've added them in your app specifically for this plugin. Also the options fileUri, doneText, cancelText, albumsText, newestFirst and the methods cancel() and done() are no longer applicable. The image picker now returns the basic {N} ImageAsset class (and not custom asset as before). If you have been using the fileUri
property of the returned assets to get a file path in versions prior to 6.x.x, you should refer to the following issue comment for an alternative way to get the path - NativeScript#181 (comment).
Migrating from 4.x.x to 5.x.x
With version 5.x.x major update to the plugin there is a related dependency which needs to be updated inside your project. The plugin uses internally the nativescript-ui-listview
plugin (part of the NativeScript Pro UI components). Recently the monolithic NativeScript Pro UI plugin was split in multiple plugins, each of them representing a single component. Now, instead of the monolithic package, nativescript-imagepicker uses only the component it needs. To use version 5.x.x of the plugin, you need to update any dependencies to nativescript-pro-ui
in your project with the single component alternatives as described in the migration guide.
Migrating from 3.x.x to 4.x.x
With the 4.x.x major update to the plugin there is a related dependency which needs to be updated inside your project. The plugin uses internally the nativescript-pro-ui
plugin (previously known as nativescript-telerik-ui
) which has bee updated and made 100% free. This means that if your project is using the deprecated nativescript-telerik-ui
plugins adding the latest version of the nativescript-imagepicker
plugin will cause your project to throw an build error when working with iOS. This is because the nativescript-imagepicker
has a dependency to the new nativescript-pro-ui
plugin and when your project also depends on the old nativescript-telerik-ui
plugin there is a native frameworks collision.
In order to solve this you simply have to update to the latest nativescript-pro-ui
, more details on how to migrate from nativescript-telerik-ui
to nativescript-pro-ui
can be found here.
The best way to explore the usage of the plugin is to inspect both demo apps in the plugin repository.
In demo
folder you can find the usage of the plugin for TypeScript non-Angular application. Refer to demo/app/main-page.ts
In demo-angular
is the usage in an Angular app. Refer to demo-angular/app/app.component.ts
In addition to the plugin usage, both apps are webpack configured.
In short here are the steps:
Import the plugin
import * as imagepicker from "nativescript-imagepicker";
var imagepicker = require("nativescript-imagepicker");
Create imagepicker
Create imagepicker in single
or multiple
mode to specifiy if the imagepicker will be used for single or multiple selection of images
let context = imagepicker.create({
mode: "single" // use "multiple" for multiple selection
var context = imagepicker.create({ mode: "single" }); // use "multiple" for multiple selection
Request permissions, show the images list and process the selection
.then(function() {
return context.present();
.then(function(selection) {
selection.forEach(function(selected) {
// process the selected image
list.items = selection;
}).catch(function (e) {
// process error
NOTE: To request permissions for Android 6+ (API 23+) we use nativescript-permissions.
NOTE: Using the plugin on iOS requres photo library permission. Your app might be rejected from the Apple App Store if you do not provide a description about why you need this permission. The default message "Requires access to photo library." might not be enough for the App Store reviewers. You can customize it by editing the
file in your app and adding the following key:
<string>Description text goes here</string>
- create(options) - creates instance of the imagepicker. Possible options are:
Option | Platform | Default | Description |
mode | both | multiple | The mode if the imagepicker. Possible values are single for single selection and multiple for multiple selection. |
minimumNumberOfSelection | iOS | 0 | The minumum number of selected assets. |
maximumNumberOfSelection | iOS | 0 | The maximum number of selected assets. |
showsNumberOfSelectedAssets | iOS | True | Display the number of selected assets. |
prompt | iOS | undefined | Display prompt text when selecting assets. |
numberOfColumnsInPortrait | iOS | 4 | Set the number of columns in Portrait orientation. |
numberOfColumnsInLandscape | iOS | 7 | Set the number of columns in Landscape orientation. |
mediaType | both | Any | Choose whether to pick Image/Video/Any type of assets. |
showAdvanced | Android | false | Show internal and removable storage options on Android (WARNING: not supported officially). |
The hostView parameter can be set to the view that hosts the image picker. Applicable in iOS only, intended to be used when open picker from a modal page.
- authorize() - request the required permissions.
- present() - show the albums to present the user the ability to select images. Returns an array of the selected images.
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Please, use github issues strictly for reporting bugs or requesting features. For general questions and support, check out Stack Overflow or ask our experts in NativeScript community Slack channel.