Flask with Docker Boilerplate


To run this project install docker and docker-compose in your machine and run the following command:

docker-compose up

You can test a endpoint to make sure server is running: Make a get request to localhost:5000/api/users to receive a empty list.


This project use Postgres as the main database. To run migrations or create a new one you must enter in the container:

docker-compose exec api bash

Create Migration:

flask db migrate

Apply Migration:

flask db upgrade


This application has unit tests! In order to run and verify then you must enter in the container:

docker-compose exec api bash

and then run the tests:


if you want to create more tests just add a new file inside the tests folder with a prefix test_*. Pytest will automatically test all files with this prefix.


To build the production image with nginx you can run the following command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d

To access the production endpoint just make requests to localhost:8000/api/*.