### INTRODUCTION Any program can only be really useful if it complies with the Unix philosophy. Web browsers (and other tools that work with HTML, such as feed readers) are frequent violators of this principle: * They build in way too much things into one (complex) program, dramatically decreasing the options to do things the way you want. * They store things in way too fancy formats (XML, RDF, SQLite, etc.) which are hard to store under version control, reuse in other scripts, and so on. The Uzbl project was started as an attempt to resolve this. ### EDITIONS "Uzbl" is an umbrella project consisting of different flavors. In the future more things may come, but for now: #### uzbl-core: main component meant for integration with other tools and scripts * Uses WebKitGtk+ for rendering and network interaction (libsoup). CSS, JavaScript, and plugin support come for free. * Provides interfaces to get data in (commands/configuration) and out (events): stdin/stdout/fifo/Unix sockets. * You see a WebKit view and (optionally) a statusbar which gets populated externally. * No built-in means for URL changing, loading/saving of bookmarks, saving history, keybinds, downloads, etc. * Extra functionality: many sample scripts come with it. More are available on the [Uzbl wiki](http://www.uzbl.org/wiki/scripts) or you can write them yourself. * Entire configuration/state can be changed at runtime. * Uzbl keeps it simple, and puts **you** in charge. #### uzbl-browser: a complete browser experience based on uzbl-core * Uses a set of scripts (mostly Python) that will fit most people, so things work out of the box; yet plenty of room for customization. * Brings everything you expect: URL changing, history, downloads, form filling, link navigation, cookies, event management etc. However: one page per instance. * Advanced, customizable keyboard interface with support for modes, modkeys, multichars, variables (keywords) etc. (eg you can tweak the interface to be Vi-like, Emacs-like or any-other-program-like). * Adequate default configuration. * Focus on plaintext storage for your data and configs in simple, parseable formats and adherence to the XDG basedir spec. * Visually, similar to `uzbl-core` except that the statusbar contains useful information. One window per webpage. #### uzbl-tabbed: wraps around uzbl-browser and multiplexes it * Spawns one window containing multiple tabs, each tab containing a full embedded `uzbl-browser`. * Ideal as a quick and simple solution to manage multiple `uzbl-browser` instances without getting lost. Throughout the documentation, when referring to `uzbl` we mean `uzbl-core`, unless otherwise specified. ### CONFIGURATION / CONTROL: The general idea is that Uzbl by default is very bare bones. You can send it commands to update settings and perform actions, through various interfaces. There is a limited default configuration. Please see `config.h` to see what it contains. By default, there are *no* keybinds defined at all. (Default keybinds would work counterproductive when you try to customize). For examples of the possibilities what you can do, please see the sample config(s), and uzbl wiki page. There are several interfaces to interact with Uzbl: * `uzbl --config <filename>`: `<filename>` will be read line by line, and the commands in it will be executed. Useful to configure Uzbl at startup. If you have a file in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/uzbl/config` (this expands to `~/.config/uzbl/config` on most systems), it will be automatically recognized. * `stdin`: to write commands into `stdin`, use `--config -` (or `-c -`). * Interactive: you can enter commands (and bind them to shortcuts, even at runtime) By default, the behaviour is modal (Vi style): - command mode: every keystroke is interpreted to run commands - insert mode: keystrokes are not interpreted so you can enter text into html forms There is also support for "chained" commands (multiple characters long), and keyworded commands. Also you can have incremental matching on commands or match after pressing return. See the sample configuration file for more info. Also, copy and paste works when typing commands: - `insert` (paste X cliboard) - `shift insert` (paste primary selection buffer) * FIFO & socket files: If enabled by setting their paths through one of the above means, you can have socket and fifo files available which are very useful to programmatically control `uzbl` (from scripts etc). - The advantage of the FIFO is you can write plaintext commands to it, but it's half duplex only (`uzbl` cannot send a response to you). - The socket is full duplex but you need a socket-compatible wrapper such as `socat` to work with it. For example: echo <command> | socat - unix-connect:<socketfile> When `uzbl` forks a new instance (eg "open in new window") it will use the same command line arguments (eg the same `--config <file>`), except `--uri` and `--named`. If you made changes to the configuration at runtime, these are not passed on to the child. #### Uzbl-browser * default config * Event Manager * Event Manager plugins * bindings/events/requests #### Uzbl-tabbed * also has some of its own keybindings. ### COMMAND SYNTAX Uzbl will read commands via standard input, named FIFO pipe (if `fifo_dir` is set) and Unix socket (when `socket_dir` is set). For convenience, `uzbl` can also be instructed to read commands from a file on startup by using the `--config` option. Indeed, the config file is nothing more than a list of commands. Each command starts with the name of a command or a `uzbl` variable that expands to it. A command is terminated by a newline. Empty lines and lines that start with the hash sign are ignored by the parser. Command names are always written in lowercase. The following commands are recognized: * `back` - Navigate to the previous URI in the history. * `forward` - Navigate to the next URI in the history. * `scroll <vertical|horizontal> <argument>` - argument can be `begin`, `end`, or an amount given in pixels(?) or as a percentage of the size of the view - set the amount to 100% to scroll a whole page - argument can be appended with a `!` to scroll absolutely * `reload` - Reload the current page. * `reload_ign_cache` - Reload the current page, discarding any cached resources. * `stop` - Stop loading the current page. * `zoom_in` - Increase the zoom level. * `zoom_out` - Decrease the zoom level. * `uri <address>` - Attempt to load `<address>`. This is equivalent to `set uri = <address>`. * `js <body>` - Execute the JavaScript in `<body>`. - Remember that the commands must not contain line breaks. * `script <file>` - Execute the JavaScript in `<file>`. * `spawn <executable> <additional args>` TODO explain path-alike expansion - Runs a command; see EXTERNAL SCRIPTS for details. - `$PATH` is searched, so giving the full path to commands is not necessary. - Note that the arguments as specified in "EXTERNAL SCRIPTS" are appended at the end, so the argument numbers will be higher. * `sync_spawn <executable> <additional args>` - A synchronous variant of `spawn`, which means `uzbl` will wait for it to return. - You should only need to use this manually if you want to use a `chain` command in a handler that wants output from the command it runs. * `sh <command>` - Runs a shell command by expanding `%s` in the `shell_cmd` variable with the specified command; primarily useful as a shortcut for `spawn sh -c <command>` - Note that the arguments as specified in "EXTERNAL SCRIPTS" are appended at the end, so the argument numbers will be higher. * `sync_sh <command>` - Synchronous version of `sh`, See `sync_spawn`. * `exit` - Closes `uzbl`. * `search <string>` - Search forward for `<string>`. With no string, search for the next occurrence of the previously searched string. * `search_reverse <string>` - Like `search`, but searches backward. * `search_clear` - Dehighlight matches and clear the search string. * `dehilight` - Remove highlighting of search matches. * `set <key> = <value>` - Sets `<key>` to `<value>`. - The changes are effective immediately; for example, setting the variable `uri` will make `uzbl` start loading, and changing `status_format` will make the status bar react immediately. - If you want to unset a string, use `set` with one space after the equals sign. * `toggle <var> [possibilities]` - Cycles the variable `var` through the list of options given in `possibilities`. - If `possibilities` are not given and the variable is an int or a float, toggles between 0 and 1. * `dump_config` - Dumps the current config (which may have been changed at runtime) to stdout. - Uses a format which can be piped into `uzbl` again or saved as a config file. * `dump_config_as_events` - Dump the current config as a series of `VARIABLE_SET` events, which can be handled by an event manager. * `chain <command> <command> ...` - Used for chaining multiple commands. - Remember to quote the commands; one command must come as one parameter. - If you use `chain` with a handler script which must return some output (such as a cookie handler -- `uzbl` will wait for and use its output), use `sync_spawn` or `sync_sh` instead of `spawn` or `sh` in the command that should give the output. * `print <string>` - Expands variables in `<string>` and prints its output to stdout. Is useful for getting the value of variables. * `event <event_name> [event_details]` - Send a custom event. * `request <request_name> [request_details]` - Send a custom request (same idea as events, but to be processed by the event manager, not `uzbl-core`). * `menu_add <label> = <command>` - Add a new entry `<label>` to the default right-click menu that will execute `<command>`. * `menu_link_add <label> = <command>` - Add a new entry `<label>`, executing `<command>` to the right-click menu for links. * `menu_image_add <label> = <command>` - Same as `menu_add`, but for images. * `menu_editable_add <label> = <command>` - Same as `menu_add`, but for editable text areas. * `menu_separator <label>` - Add a separator, named `<label>` to the default right-click menu. * `menu_link_separator <label>` - Same as `menu_separator`, but for links. * `menu_image_separator <label>` - Same as `menu_separator`, but for images. * `menu_editable_separator <label>` - Same as `menu_separator`, but for editable text areas. * `menu_remove <label>` - Removes the menu entry `<label>` from the default right-click menu. * `menu_link_remove <label>` - Same as `menu_remove`, but for links. * `menu_image_remove <label>` - Same as `menu_remove`, but for images. * `menu_editable_remove <label>` - Same as `menu_remove`, but for editable text areas. * `hardcopy` - Open the print dialog. * `include <file>` - Read contents of `<file>` and interpret as a set of `uzbl` commands. * `inspector <show | hide | coord <x> <y> | node <node-spec>>` - Control the inspector. The `coord` command coordinates are relative to the viewport, not the page. The `node` subcommand requires webkitgtk >= 1.3.17. * `spell_checker <ignore <word>... | learn <word>... | autocorrect <word> | guesses <word>>` - Control the spell checker. Requires webkitgtk >= 1.5.1. * `add_cookie <domain> <path> <name> <value> <scheme> <expires>` - Adds a new cookie to the cookie jar * `delete_cookie <domain> <path> <name> <value> [<scheme> <expires>]` - Deletes a matching cookie from the cookie jar. scheme and expire time is currently not considered when matching. * `clear_cookies` - Clears all cookies from the cookie jar * `download <uri> [<destination path>]` - Starts a download using the given uri. A destination file path can be given to specify where the download should be written to. * `auth <uniqueid> <username> <password>` - Authenticate as `<username>` with `<password>` for the previously issued challenge with the id `<uniqueid>`. authenticating for a invalid id or one expired one has no effect. * `snapshot <path>` - Saves an image of the visible page as a PNG to the given path. Only available with webkitgtk >= 1.9.6. This is not in webkit2gtk. * `load <string> <uri> [<baseuri>]` - Load a string as text/html with the given uri. If given, all links will be assumed relative to baseuri. Requires webkit2gtk >= 1.9.90. * `save [<format> [<path>]]` - Saves the current page to a file in a given format (currently only "mhtml" is supported). Requires webkit2gtk >= 1.9.90. * `remove_all_db` - Removes all of the web databases from the current database directory path. * `plugin_refresh` - Refreshes the plugin database. Requires webkitgtk >= 1.3.8. * `plugin_toggle [<plugin name> [<plugin name>...]]` - Toggles whether the plugins named as arguments are enabled. No arguments is interpreted as "all plugins". Requires webkitgtk >= 1.3.8. ### VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS Uzbl has a lot of internal variables and constants. You can get the values (using the `print` command, see above), and for variables you can also change the value at runtime. Some of the values can be passed at start up through commandline arguments, others need to be set by using commands (eg in config file). * Some of them have default values (see config.h) * Some variables have callback functions which will get called after setting the variable to perform some additional logic (see below). * Besides the builtin variables you can also define your own ones and use them in the exact same way as the builtin ones. #### Variables * `uri`: The URI of the current page. (callback: load the uri) * `verbose`: Controls the verbosity printed to `stdout`. * `inject_text`: Inject an text string, navigating to the URI "about:blank" and rendering the text string given. Only available in webkit2gtk. * `inject_html`: Inject an HTML string, navigating to the URI "about:blank" and rendering the HTML string given. * `geometry`: Geometry and position of the Uzbl window. Format is "<width>x<height>+<x-offset>+<y-offset>". * `keycmd`: Holds the input buffer (callback: update input buffer). * `show_status`: Show statusbar or not. * `status_top`: statusbar on top? * `status_format`: Marked up, to be expanded string for statusbar's left side (callback: update statusbar). * `status_format_right`: Marked up, to be expanded string for statusbar's right side (callback: update statusbar). * `status_background`: color which can be used to override Gtk theme. * `title_format_long`: titlebar string when no statusbar shown (will be expanded). * `title_format_short`: titlebar string when statusbar shown (will be expanded). * `icon`: path to icon for Gtk. * `window_role`: Window role string. By default there is no role. * `forward_keys`: Whether `uzbl-core` should send key events to the webkit view. * `cookie_handler`: Handler called when the page requests a cookie to be retrieved or set. Appends the following arguments to the standard handler arguments. - `op`: Either "GET" if the browser requests a cookie to be sent to the server or "PUT" if the server requests the browser save a cookie. - `scheme`: The request address scheme ("http" or "https"). - `host`: The host requesting the cookie. - `path`: The request address path. - `data`: The cookie data. Only included for "PUT" requests. * `scheme_handler`: handler to execute for each URI navigated to - the navigation request will be ignored if handler prints "USED\n" * `request_handler`: Executed whenever any request is made. The handler can print a URI to redirect the request (or `about:blank` to effectively cancel it). If the handler does nothing, the request will continue unchanged. * `download_handler`: executed when a download is started. the handler script should print a path that the download should be saved to, or print nothing to cancel the download. * `fifo_dir`: location to store FIFOs. * `socket_dir`: location to store sockets. * `http_debug`: HTTP debug mode (value 0-3). * `javascript_windows`: Whether javascript can open windows automatically * `shell_cmd`: Alias which will be expanded to use shell commands (eg `sh -c`). * `print_events`: show events on stdout * `proxy_url`: set HTTP proxy (eg: `http://<host>:<port>`). * `max_conns`: Max simultaneous connections (default: 100). * `max_conns_host`: max simultaneous connections per hostname (default: 6) * `view_source`: Set the browser in "view source" mode (default 0). Any URI visited while "view_source" is 1 will display the page source rather than the rendered content. * `useragent`: The User-Agent to send to the browser, expands variables in its definition. * `accept_languages`: The Accept-Language header to send with HTTP requests. * `transparent`: If set to 1, the background of the view will be transparent (default 0). * `view_mode`: The view mode for webkit. One of: "windowed", "floating", "fullscreen", "maximized", or "minimized". Requires webkitgtk >= 1.3.4. * `zoom_level`: The factor by which elements in the page are scaled with respect to their original size. Setting this will resize the currently displayed page. * `zoom_type`: Whether to use "full-content" zoom (defaults to true). With full-content zoom on, all page content, not just text, is zoomed. When full-content zoom is off, only the text of a page is zoomed. This is unavailable with webkit2gtk. Use `zoom_text_only` instead. * `font_size`: The default font size. * `default_font_family`: The default font family used to display text. * `monospace_font_family`: The default font family used to display monospace text. * `cursive_font_family`: The default Cursive font family used to display text. * `sans_serif_font_family`: The default Sans Serif font family used to display text. * `serif_font_family`: The default Serif font family used to display text. * `fantasy_font_family`: The default Fantasy font family used to display text. * `monospace_size`: The default size of monospaced font (default 1). * `minimum_font_size`: The minimum font size used to display text (default 1). * `enable_plugins`: Disable embedded plugin objects (default 0). * `enable_scripts`: Disable embedded scripting languages (default 0). * `autoload_images`: Automatically load images (default 1). * `autoshrink_images`: Shrink images to window size (default 0). * `enable_spellcheck`: Whether to enable spell checking while typing (default 0). * `spellcheck_languages`: The languages (in locale `lang_COUNTRY` form, e.g. `en_CA` or `pt_BR`) to be used for spell checking, separated by commas. Defaults to the value returned by `gtk_get_default_language`. * `enable_private`: Whether to enable private browsing mode (default 0). * `cookie_policy`: If set to 0, all cookies are accepted, if set to 1, all cookies are rejected, and 2 rejects third party cookies (default 0). * `print_backgrounds`: Print background images? (default 0). * `stylesheet_uri`: Use this to override the pagelayout with a custom stylesheet. * `resizable_text_areas`: Whether text areas can be resized (default 0). * `default_encoding`: The default text encoding (default "iso-8859-1"). * `custom_encoding`: This can be set to force a text encoding. (Used to be `current_encoding` which is now read-only). * `enforce_96_dpi`: Enforce a resolution of 96 DPI (default 1). * `editable`: Whether the page can be edited or not (default 0). * `caret_browsing`: Whether the caret is enabled in the text portion of pages (default 0). * `enable_cross_file_access`: Whether a page loaded from a `file://` URI can access the contents of other `file://` URIs. (default 0). * `follow_hint_keys`: keys for keyboard-based navigation and link highlighting * `handle_multi_click`: If set to 1, event handlers attached to `2Button*` and `3Button*` bindings will only be used instead of the default actions in WebKit (default 0). * `ssl_ca_file`: File that contains CA certificates. * `ssl_verify`: If set to 1, uzbl won't connect to "https" url unless it can validate certificate presented by remote server against `ssl_ca_file`. * `enable_builtin_auth`: Enable WebKits builtin authentication handler * `enable_java_applet`: If set to 1, support for Java <applet> tags will be enabled (default 1). * `enable_database`: If set to 1, support for HTML5 client-side SQL databases will be enabled (default 1). * `enable_local_storage`: If set to 1, websites will be able to store data locally (default 1). * `enable_pagecache`: If set to 1, uzbl will store previously visited pages for faster access (the cache is local to each uzbl instance) (default 0). * `enable_offline_app_cache`: If set to 1, web applications may be cached locally for offline use (default 1). * `enable_universal_file_access`: If set to 1, allow `file://` URIs to access all pages (default 0). * `enable_hyperlink_auditing`: If set to 1, the `ping` attribute on anchors will be supported (default 0). * `zoom_step`: The change in the zoon level when zooming (default 0.1). * `auto_resize_window`: If set to 1, allow web pages to change window dimensions (default 0). * `enable_spatial_navigation`: If set to 1, the arrow keys in `Ins` mode will navigate between form elements (default 0). * `editing_behavior`: When set to 0, emulate Mac behavior in text fields, 1 for Windows behavior, and 2 for *nix behavior (the default). * `enable_tab_cycle`: If set to 1, the `Tab` key cycles between elements on the page (default 1). * `default_context_menu`: If set to 0, do not cause context menus to appear when right clicking (default 1). * `enable_site_workarounds`: If set to 1, enable filters to help unbreak certain websites (default 0). * `javascript_clipboard`: If set to 1, JavaScript may access the clipboard (default 0). Requires webkitgtk >= 1.3.0. * `javascript_dom_paste`: If set to 1, JavaScript will able to paste from the clipboard (default 0). * `enable_frame_flattening`: If set to 1, flatten all frames into a single page to become one scrollable page (default 0). Requires webkitgtk >= 1.3.5. * `enable_fullscreen`: If set to 1, Mozilla-style fullscreening will be available (default 0). Requires webkitgtk >= 1.3.8 * `enable_dns_prefetch`: If set to 1, domain names will be prefetched (default 1). Private browsing does *not* affect this value. Requires webkitgtk >= 1.3.13. * `display_insecure_content`: If set to 1, non-HTTPS content will be displayed on HTTPS pages (default 1). Requires webkitgtk >= 1.11.13. * `run_insecure_content`: If set to 1, non-HTTPS content will be allowed to run on HTTPS pages (default 1). Requires webkitgtk >= 1.11.13. * `maintain_history`: If set to 1, the back/forward list will be kept. (default 1). * `enable_webgl`: If set to 1, WebGL support will be enabled (default 0). Requires webkitgtk >= 1.3.14. * `local_storage_path`: Where to store local databases (default $XDG_DATA_HOME/webkit/databases/). Requires webkit >= 1.5.2. * `enable_webaudio`: If set to 1, allows JavaScript to generate audio directly (default 0). Requires webkit >= 1.7.5. * `enable_3d_acceleration`: If set to 1, the GPU will be used to render animations and 3D CSS transformations. Requires webkitgtk >= 1.7.90. * `zoom_text_only`: If set to 1, only text will be zoomed (default 0). Requires webkit2gtk >= 1.7.91. * `enable_smooth_scrolling`: If set to 1, scrolling the page will be smoothed (default 0). Requires webkitgtk >= 1.9.0. * `enable_inline_media`: If set to 1, inline playback of media is allowed, otherwise, only full-screen playback is allowed (default 1). Requires webkitgtk >= 1.9.3. * `require_click_to_play`: If set to 1, playback of media requires user interaction before playing, otherwise, media will be allowed to autoplay (default 0). Requires webkitgtk >= 1.9.3. * `enable_css_shaders`: If set to 1, CSS shaders will be enabled (default 0). Requires webkitgtk >= 1.11.1. * `enable_media_stream`: If set to 1, web pages will be able to access the local video and audio input devices (default 0). Requires webkitgtk >= 1.11.1. * `cache_model`: The cache model of webkit. Valid values: "document_viewer" (no caching; low memory; usage: single local file), "web_browser" (heavy caching; faster; usage: general browsing), "document_browser" (moderate caching; usage: series of local files) (default "web_browser"). * `app_cache_size`: The maximum size of the application cache (in bytes) (default UINT_MAX (no quota)). Changing the variable clears the cache. Requires webkitgtk >= 1.3.13. * `web_database_directory`: The directory where web databases are stored. (default is under $XDG_DATA_HOME). * `web_database_quota`: The default quota for web databases. (default 5MB). * `profile_js`: Sets whether to profile JavaScript code. * `profile_timeline`: Sets whether to profile the timeline. #### Constants (not dumpable or writeable) * `WEBKIT_MAJOR`: WebKit major version number. * `WEBKIT_MINOR`: WebKit minor version number. * `WEBKIT_MICRO`: WebKit micro version number. * `ARCH_UZBL`: Processor architecture for which Uzbl is compiled, set at compile time. * `COMMIT`: ID of the current Git commit, set at compile time. * `TITLE`: The current page title or "(no title)" if no title exists for the current page. * `SELECTED_URI`: The URL currently hovered over by the mouse. * `NAME`: name of the uzbl instance (TODO: can't we make this a variable?) - default: Xorg window id - overridable with cmdline arg - in GtkSocket mode, this is a random number to prevent name clashes * `PID`: The process ID of this Uzbl instance. * `current_encoding`: The current encoding of the web page. * `inspected_uri`: The URI that is being inspected. Requires webkitgtk >= 1.3.17. * `app_cache_directory`: The directory webkit uses to store its cache. Requires webkitgtk >= 1.3.13. * `plugin_list`: A JSON list of objects describing the available plugins. Requires webkitgtk >= 1.3.8. ### VARIABLE EXPANSION AND COMMAND / JAVASCRIPT SUBSTITUTION Variable expansion works pretty much as known from shell interpreters (sh, bash, etc.). This means you can construct strings with uzbl variables in them and have uzbl replace the variable name with its contents. In order to let uzbl know what to expand you'll need to prepend @ to the variable name: print The variable \@show_status contains @show_status The above example demonstrates two things: * `\` is treated as escape character and will use the character immediately following it literally this means `\@show_status` will not expand to the variable content but be rather printed as `@show_status` * prepending the variable with `@` will expand to its contents * like in the shell you can use `@{uzbl_var}` to denote the beginning/end of the variable name in cases where it is not obvious what belongs to the name and what not. E.g. `print @{show_status}foobar` Command substitution will launch any commands and substitute the call with the return value of the command. There are two methods: * Through a shell: enclose commands with `@( )@` (quote escaping is handled by Uzbl): print Command substitution: @(uname -a)@ This method allows you to use POSIX shell syntax in your commands. * directly: print Command substitution: @(+uname -a)@ This example will execute uname directly. Note that you can access any `uzbl` variable from within a command substitution: print @(echo -n 'Accessing the show_status var from an external script, value: @show_status')@ JavaScript substitution works in the exact same way as command substitution but you will need to enclose the JavaScript in `@< >@`. print The currently viewed document contains @<document.links.length>@ links The `@<>@` substitution can also load JavaScript from a file, syntax: `@<+filename>@` print JS return value from file: @<+/path/to/file.js>@ Variable expansion also works within a JavaScript substitution. When a piece of text needs to be XML escaped after it is expanded (for example, in the status bar format), you can use `@[ ]@` substitution: print This text is XML escaped: @[<&>]@ # prints: This text is XML escaped: <&> NOTE: If you need to use literal `@` or `\` characters you will need to escape them: print At sign: \@ and backslash: \\ ### TITLE AND STATUS BAR EVALUATION The contents of the status bar can be customized by setting the `status_format` variable. The contents of the window title can be customized by setting the `title_format_short` variable (which is used when the status bar is displayed) and the `title_format_long` variable (which is used when the status bar is not displayed). Their values can be set using the expansion and substitution techniques described above. These variables are expanded in multiple stages; once when the variable is set, and again every time that the status bar or window title are updated. Expansions that should be evaluated on every update need to be escaped: set title_format_short = @(date)@ # this expansion will be evaluated when the variable is set. # the title will stay constant with the date that the variable was set. set title_format_short = \@(date)\@ # this expansion will be evaluated when the window title is updated. # the date in the title will change when you change pages, for example. set title_format_short = \\\@(date)\\\@ # the title will stay constant as a literal "@(date)@" The `status_format` and `status_format_right` variables can contain [Pango](http://library.gnome.org/devel/pango/stable/PangoMarkupFormat.html) markup . In these variables, expansions that might produce the characters `<`, `&` or `>` should be wrapped in `@[ ]@` substitutions so that they don't interfere with the status bar's markup; see the sample config for examples. ### EXTERNAL SCRIPTS You can use external scripts with Uzbl the following ways: * Let `uzbl` call them. These scripts are called "handlers" in the `uzbl` config. Used for handling cookies, starting a new download, and more. * Call them yourself from inside `uzbl`. You can bind keys for this. Examples: add new bookmark, load new URL. * You could also use `xbindkeys` or your WM config to trigger scripts if `uzbl` does not have focus. Have a look at the sample configs and scripts! Scripts called by `uzbl` (with `spawn`, `sync_spawn`, `sh` or `sync_sh`) have access to the following environment variables: * `$UZBL_CONFIG`: The configuration file loaded by this `uzbl` instance. * `$UZBL_PID`: The process ID of this `uzbl` instance. * `$UZBL_XID`: The X Windows ID of the process. * `$UZBL_FIFO`: The filename of the FIFO being used, if any. * `$UZBL_SOCKET`: The filename of the Unix socket being used, if any. * `$UZBL_URI`: The URI of the current page. * `$UZBL_TITLE`: The current page title. * `$UZBL_PRIVATE`: Set if uzbl is in "private browsing mode", unset otherwise. Handler scripts (`download_handler`, `scheme_handler`, and `request_handler`) are called with special arguments: * download handler - `$1 url`: The URL of the item to be downloaded. - `$2 suggested_filename`: A filename suggested by the server or based on the URL. - `$3 content_type`: The mimetype of the file to be downloaded. - `$4 total_size`: The size of the file to be downloaded in bytes. This may be inaccurate. - `$5 destination_path`: This is only present if the download was started explicitly using the `download` command. If it is present, this is the path that the file should be saved to. A download handler using WebKit's internal downloader can just echo this path and exit when this argument is present. * scheme handler - `$1 URI` of the page to be navigated to * request handler - `$1 URI` of the resource which is being requested ### Formfiller.sh Example config entries for formfiller script set formfiller = spawn @scripts_dir/formfiller.sh @cbind za = @formfiller add @cbind ze = @formfiller edit @cbind zn = @formfiller new @cbind zl = @formfiller load @cbind zo = @formfiller once NEW action generates new file with formfields for current domain. Note that it will overwrite existing file. EDIT action calls an external editor with curent domain profiles. ADD action adds another profile to current domain. Remember to name the profiles, by default the have a name with random numbers. LOAD action loads form data. If there is more then one profile, it will call dmenu first to choose the profile you want to fill in the form. ONCE action generates a temp file with formfields including the textareas and after closing the editor, it will load the data into the formfields. The temp file is removed ### HTTP/BASIC AUTHENTICATION HTTP auth can be handled in two different ways. Using the builtin auth dialog in WebKit or by dispatching the work to a external script. To use the builtin auth dialog set `enable_builtin_auth` to 1. With this set you'll get a basic GTK+ prompt for username/password when trying to access a protected site. Whenever authentication is needed the `AUTHENTICATE` event will be sent, this is what you would use to hook up a custom authentication system. This event will be sent even when using the bultin dialog so remember to disable that if adding a dialog of your own. The `AUTHENTICATE` event has four arguments * a unique identifier to be used in the exchange * domain part of URL that requests authentication * authentication realm * the empty string for the first attempt and "retrying" for further attempts After this event has been sent the request is paused until credentials are provided. This is done using the `auth` command e.g: `auth "uniqueid" "alice" "wonderland"` A super simple setup that will always try to authenticate with the same password could look like this. (assuming aliases from the example configuration) @on_event AUTHENTICATE auth "%1" "alice" "wonderland" ### WINDOW MANAGER INTEGRATION As mentined before, the contents of the window title can be customized by setting the `title_format_short` variable and the `title_format_long` variable (see above to figure out when each of them is used). You can also set `icon` variable to path of the icon file. Some advanced window managers can also take `WM_WINDOW_ROLE` in account, which can be set by modifying `window_role` variable. There is currently no support of updating window icon automatically to site's favicon, but there are some scripts for that at wiki pages. Uzbl sets special X window property UZBL_URI which is always the uri of the page loaded into uzbl, except for web inspector windows which has no UZBL_URI. ### EVENTS Unlike commands, events are not handled in `uzbl` itself, but are propagated (dispatched) asynchronously through a text stream on `stdout` and/or through a socket. You'll usually use uzbl by piping it's output to a so-called "event manager" (EM), or by having the EM listen to a socket. The EM allows: * Use of whichever language you want for event handling (Python, Perl, Bash, ... you name it). You'll usually send commands (see above) back to `uzbl` through its FIFO or socket. * Keybindings use X keysyms. * Many fine-grained events (`hover_over_link`, `key_press`, `key_release`,..) * See example `uzbl-event-manager`. Events have this format: EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] EVENT_NAME event_details #### Reported events * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] INSTANCE_START process_id`: `uzbl` startup. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] INSTANCE_EXIT process_id`: `uzbl` shutdown * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] VARIABLE_SET variable_name str|int|float variable_value`: Note: `str|int|float` denote the type of `variable_value`. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] COMMAND_EXECUTED command_name optional_arguments`: A command is executed. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] COMMAND_ERROR command_name`: Tried to execute the command `command_name`, but it does not exist. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] GEOMETRY_CHANGED WIDTHxHEIGHT+X_POSITION+Y_POSITION`: When the size or position of the `uzbl` window changes. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] FIFO_SET path_to_fifo`: The path to the FIFO is set. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] SOCKET_SET path_to_socket`: The path to the socket is set. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] LOAD_COMMIT uri`: The first data of a page has loaded. `uri` is the URI of the page being loaded. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] LOAD_START uri`: A change of the page has been requested. `uri` is the current URI; the one being departed. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] LOAD_FINISH uri`: Loading has finished for the page at `uri`. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] LOAD_ERROR uri reason_of_error`: The URI `uri` could not be loaded for the reason described in `reason_of_error`. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] LOAD_PROGRESS percentage` : While the page is loading, gives the `percentage` of the page that has finished loading. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] REQUEST_QUEUED uri`: http resource gets enqueued * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] REQUEST_STARTING uri`: http resource gets requested * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] REQUEST_FINISHED uri`: http resource has finished loading * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] TITLE_CHANGED title_name`: When the title of the page (and hence maybe, the window title) changed. `title_name` is the new title. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] DOWNLOAD_STARTED destination_path`: A download has been started, the file will be saved to `destination_path`. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS destination_path progress`: While a download is active this event notifies you of the progress. `progress` is a decimal between 0 and 1. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE destination_path`: The download being saved to `destination_path` is now complete. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] LINK_HOVER uri`: The mouse hovers over the link `uri`. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] LINK_UNHOVER uri`: The mouse leaves the link `uri`. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] KEY_PRESS 'mod_state' key_name`: The key (or mouse button) `key_name` is pressed. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] KEY_RELEASE 'mod_state' key_name`: The key (or mouse button) `key_name` is released. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] MOD_PRESS 'mod_state' mod_name`: A key mapped to `mod_name` is pressed. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] MOD_RELEASE 'mod_state' mod_name`: A key mapped to `mod_name` is released. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] SELECTION_CHANGED selected_text`: When text is selected in the `uzbl` window. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] NEW_WINDOW uri`: Request to creation of new `uzbl` window, with URI `uri` (eg. after clicking a link) * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] WEBINSPECTOR open`: Upon opening webinspector window. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] WEBINSPECTOR close`: Upon closing webinspector window. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] FOCUS_GAINED`: When `uzbl` window gains keyboard focus. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] FOCUS_LOST`: When `uzbl` window loses keyboard focus. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] FORM_ACTIVE`: When an editable HTML is clicked. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] ROOT_ACTIVE`: When the document body or any non-editable element is clicked. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] FILE_INCLUDED filename`: When the `include` commands successfully loads a file, given by `filename`. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] PLUG_CREATED plug_id`: When `uzbl-core` is in Xembed mode, `plug_id` is the Xembed ID used. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] BUILTINS command_list`: Shows a list of all `uzbl` commands, whitespace separated, on startup. * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] ADD_COOKIE domain path name value scheme expire`: When a cookie was added or replaced. scheme is 'http' or 'https', expire will be a unix-timestamp or empty * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] DELETE_COOKIE domain path name value scheme expire`: When a cookie was deleted. arguments as ADD_COOKIE * `EVENT [uzbl_instance_name] AUTHENTICATE uniqueid host realm retry`: When a request requires authentication. authentication is done by calling `auth` Events/requests which the EM and its plugins listens for * `BIND` and `MODE_BIND`: Define global and per-mode key/button binds. - `request BIND <keycmd> = <command>` Set global binding (this is a shortcut for `request MODE_BIND global <keycmd> = <command>`). - `request MODE_BIND <modespec> <keycmd> = <command>` Set a local binding for `<modespec>`. The `<modespec>` can be anything like `command`, `insert,command`, `global`, `global,-insert`. The `<keycmd>` has a special syntax: - `<keycmd>` ends with a `_`: the command will only be invoked after pressing return/enter. If the user enters text where `<string>` has the underscore, `%s` in the `<command>` string will be replaced by this text (optional). - `<keycmd>` ends with a `*`: similar behavior as with an underscore, but also makes the binding incremental (i.e. the command will be invoked after reaching the `*` point then on every subsequent keystroke). - `<keycmd>` ends with a `!`: the command will only be invoked after pressing return/enter, no replacement happens. this is useful for preventing `x` to match when you want to bind `xx` also. - `<keycmd>` ends on a different character: you need to type the full string, which will trigger the command immediately, without pressing enter/return. - TODO explain stacked bindings and multi-stage (is that the same?) and what else am i missing? modkeys, showing a prompt mid-bind. The `<keycmd>` can be any representation of a key on your keyboard or a mousebutton. (note: not all mousebuttons work correctly yet). Examples: - `event BIND o _ = uri %s` - `uzbl` will load the url when you type: `o <url><enter>` - `event BIND /* = search %s` - A `search` command which is called on every character typed after the slash, letting you see the search narrow down while typing. - Hitting return, enter or esc will terminate the search. - `event BIND ZZ = exit` - When you type `ZZ` and nothing else, the `exit` command will be triggered immediately. * `MODE_CONFIG`: Set mode specific configs. If the mode being modified is the current mode then apply the changes immediately. - `request MODE_CONFIG <mode> <key> = <value>` * `ON_EVENT`: Execute a command when a given event is fired. - `request ON_EVENT <EVENT_NAME> <command>` * `PROGRESS_CONFIG`: Set a configuration option for `LOAD_PROGRESS` updates. - `request PROGRESS_CONFIG <key> = <value>`: Set progress config variable `key` to `value`. * `MODMAP`: Set an alternate name for a key or button. - `request MODMAP <from> <to>`: Create an alias `<to>` for key command `<from>`. This allows `<to>` to be bound to a command, which will be invoked when the `<from>` key or button is pressed. * `IGNORE_KEY`: Ignore a key pattern, specified by `<glob>`. - `request IGNORE_KEY <glob>` * `TOGGLE_MODES` - `request TOGGLE_MODES <mode1> <mode2> ... <moden>` * `APPEND_KEYCMD`: Append a string to the current keycmd. - `request APPEND_KEYCMD <string>`: Append `<string>` to the current keycmd. * `INJECT_KEYCMD`: Injecting a string into the keycmd at the cursor position. - `request INJECT_KEYCMD <string>`: Inject `<string>` into the keycmd at the current cursor position. * `KEYCMD_DELETE`: Removes the character after the cursor position in the keycmd. * `KEYCMD_STRIP_WORD`: Removes the last word from the keycmd, similar to readline `^W`. - `request KEYCMD_STRIP_WORD <seps>`: The `<seps>` argument is a list of characters that are considered to separate words. * `KEYCMD_EXEC_CURRENT`: (tries to) execute whatever is in the keycmd. * `SET_KEYCMD`: Allow setting of the keycmd externally. - `request SET_KEYCMD <string>`: Set the keycmd to `<string>`. * `SET_CURSOR_POS`: Allow setting of the cursor position externally. - `request SET_CURSOR_POS <index>`: Set the keycmd cursor to `<index>`. If `<index>` is `+`, advance the cursor by one character, and if it is `-`, move the cursor back by one character. * `START_COMPLETION`: TODO explain completion * `BLACKLIST_COOKIE`: add a rule for blacklisting cookies - `request BLACKLIST_COOKIE [<component> <regexp>]*`: Blacklist cookies where `<component>` matches `<regexp>`. `<component>` is one of `domain`, `path`, `name`, `value`, `scheme` or `expires`. * `WHITELIST_COOKIE`: add a rule for whitelisting cookies (if any whitelist is set then only cookies that are whitelisted cookies will be used) - `request WHITELIST_COOKIE [<component> <regexp>]*`: Whitelist cookies where `<component>` matches `<regexp>`. `<component>` is one of `domain`, `path`, `name`, `value`, `scheme` or `expires`. ### COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS `uzbl` is invoked as uzbl-(core|browser|tabbed) [ arguments ] [ uri ] where `arguments` and `uri` are both optional. `arguments` can be: * `-u`, `--uri=URI`: URI to load at startup. Equivalent to `uzbl <uri>` or `set uri = URI` after `uzbl` has launched. * `-v`, `--verbose`: Whether to print all messages or just errors. * `-n`, `--named=NAME`: Name of the current instance (defaults to Xorg window id or random for GtkSocket mode). * `-c`, `--config=FILE`: Path to config file or `-` for stdin. * `-s`, `--socket=SOCKET`: Xembed socket ID. * `--connect-socket=SOCKET`: Connect to server socket for event managing. * `-p`, `--print-events`: Whether to print events to stdout * `-g`, `--geometry=GEOMETRY`: Set window geometry (format: `WIDTHxHEIGHT+-X+-Y` or `maximized`). * `-V`, `--version`: Print the version and exit. * `--display=DISPLAY`: X display to use. * `--help`: Display help. `uzbl-core scheme://address` will work as you expect. If you don't provide the `scheme://` part, it will check if the argument is an existing file in the filesystem, if it is, it will prepend `file://`, if not, it will prepend `http://`. ### BUGS Please report new issues to the [Uzbl bugtracker](http://uzbl.org/bugs).