- 2
Openocd Cfg File
#21 opened by invisible789 - 6
- 2
- 7
modify OpenOCD driver
#24 opened by luyi1888 - 2
Problem with UrJTAG
#25 opened by AvatarBg111 - 9
Processing SVF files directly
#23 opened by gsteiert - 3
cJTAG and OpenOCD
#22 opened by luyi1888 - 3
Support for OpenOCD
#19 opened by abo-github - 2
- 3
- 5
add secondary UART interface
#15 opened by luyi1888 - 36
does this work with openocd?
#6 opened by laoshaw - 16
Any plans for a UART device?
#11 opened by davidthings - 24
Issues with openFPGALoader on custom board
#10 opened by machdyne - 6
USB Port Access
#9 opened by DevanshuGajjar - 2
- 7
Can Pico provide two Jtag in parallel?
#7 opened by laoshaw - 10
Unable to start a detection on UrJTAG
#2 opened by jeanthom - 5
Build error
#1 opened by zoobab