This is an E2E-testing framework based on Playwright and Typescript.
- Configurable browsers (Chromium, Firefox, WebKit) via .env file
- Configurable amount of retries and max workers via .env file
- Basic ESLint configuration
- Static code analysis on CI with TypeScript Compiler and ESLint
Bonus: It also has visual regression tests based on Playwright's built-in screenshot comparison.
Running tests
First you'll need to install dependencies:
$ npm install
Then, to run tests in a specific browser, you can use one of the following commands:
# Run all tests in one browser
# Chromium:
$ npm run test:frontend-e2e:chromium
# Safari:
$ npm run test:frontend-e2e:safari
# Firefox:
$ npm run test:frontend-e2e:firefox
Or you can also set the browser in the .env file and run the tests as follows:
# Run tests from path
$ playwright test path/to/specFile
To run visual regression tests, you can use the following command:
# Run visual regression tests (Chromium only)
$ npm run test:frontend-visual
To generate and open HTML report of the last tests run:
# Generate and open HTML report
$ npx playwright show-report