
Extensible Abstract Syntax Tree


Extensible Abstract Syntax Tree format.

xast is a specification for representing XML as an abstract syntax tree. It implements the unist spec.

This document may not be released. See releases for released documents. The latest released version is 1.0.0.



This document defines a format for representing XML as an abstract syntax tree. This specification is written in a Web IDL-like grammar. Development started in January 2020.

Where this specification fits

xast extends unist, a format for syntax trees, to benefit from its ecosystem of utilities.

xast relates to JavaScript in that it has an ecosystem of utilities for working with compliant syntax trees in JavaScript. However, xast is not limited to JavaScript and can be used in other programming languages.

xast relates to the unified project in that xast syntax trees are used throughout its ecosystem.


xast represents XML syntax, not semantics: there are no namespaces or local names; only qualified names.

xast supports a sensible subset of XML by omitting the ostensibly bad DTD. XML processors are not guaranteed to process DTDs, making them unsafe.

xast represents expanded entities and therefore does not deal with entities or character references. It is suggested that utilities around xast, that parse or serialize, do not support parameter-entity references or entity references other than the predefined entities (&lt; for < U+003C LESS THAN; &gt; for > U+003E GREATER THAN; &amp; for & U+0026 AMPERSAND; &apos; for ' U+0027 APOSTROPHE; &quot; for " U+0022 QUOTATION MARK). This prevents billion laughs attacks.


Declarations ([XML]) other than doctype have no representation in xast:

<!ELEMENT %name.para; %content.para;>
<!ATTLIST poem xml:space (default|preserve) 'preserve'>
<!ENTITY % ISOLat2 SYSTEM "http://www.xml.com/iso/isolat2-xml.entities">
<!ENTITY Pub-Status "This is a pre-release of the specification.">
<![%draft;[<!ELEMENT book (comments*, title, body, supplements?)>]]>
<![%final;[<!ELEMENT book (title, body, supplements?)>]]>
Internal subset

Internal document type declarations have no representation in xast:

<!DOCTYPE greeting [
  <!ELEMENT greeting (#PCDATA)>
<greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>



interface Parent <: UnistParent {
  children: [Element | Text | Comment | Doctype | Instruction | Cdata]

Parent (UnistParent) represents a node in xast containing other nodes (said to be children).

Its content is limited to only other xast content.


interface Literal <: UnistLiteral {
  value: string

Literal (UnistLiteral) represents a node in xast containing a value.


interface Root <: Parent {
  type: "root"

Root (Parent) represents a document fragment or a whole document.

Root should be used as the root of a tree and must not be used as a child.

XML specifies that documents should have exactly one element child, therefore a root should have exactly one element child when representing a whole document.


interface Element <: Parent {
  type: "element"
  name: string
  attributes: Attributes?
  children: [Element | Text | Comment | Instruction | Cdata]

Element (Parent) represents an element ([XML]).

The name field must be present. It represents the element’s name ([XML]), specifically its qualified name ([XML-NAMES]).

The children field should be present.

The attributes field should be present. It represents information associated with the element. The value of the attributes field implements the Attributes interface.

For example, the following XML:

<package xmlns="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" unique-identifier="id" />


  type: 'element',
  name: 'package',
  attributes: {
    xmlns: 'http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf',
    'unique-identifier': 'id'
  children: []


interface Attributes {}

Attributes represents information associated with an element.

Every field must be a AttributeName and every value an AttributeValue.


typedef string AttributeName

Attribute names are keys on Attributes objects and must reflect XML attribute names exactly.


typedef string AttributeValue

Attribute values are values on Attributes objects and must reflect XML attribute values exactly as a string.

In JSON, the value null must be treated as if the attribute was not included. In JavaScript, both null and undefined must be similarly ignored.


interface Text <: Literal {
  type: "text"

Text (Literal) represents character data ([XML]).

For example, the following XML:



  type: 'element',
  name: 'dc:language',
  attributes: {},
  children: [{type: 'text', value: 'en'}]


interface Comment <: Literal {
  type: "comment"

Comment (Literal) represents a comment ([XML]).

For example, the following XML:



{type: 'comment', value: 'Charlie'}


interface Doctype <: Node {
  type: "doctype"
  name: string
  public: string?
  system: string?

Doctype (Node) represents a doctype ([XML]).

A name field must be present.

A public field should be present. If present, it must be set to a string, and represents the document’s public identifier.

A system field should be present. If present, it must be set to a string, and represents the document’s system identifier.

For example, the following XML:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">


  type: 'doctype',
  name: 'HTML',
  public: '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN',
  system: 'http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd'


interface Instruction <: Literal {
  type: "instruction"
  name: string

Instruction (Literal) represents a processing instruction ([XML]).

A name field must be present.

For example, the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  type: 'instruction',
  name: 'xml',
  value: 'version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"'


interface Cdata <: Literal {
  type: "cdata"

Cdata (Literal) represents a CDATA section ([XML]).

For example, the following XML:

<![CDATA[<greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>]]>


  type: 'cdata',
  value: '<greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>'


See the unist glossary.

List of utilities

See the unist list of utilities for more utilities.



  • hast — Hypertext Abstract Syntax Tree format
  • mdast — Markdown Abstract Syntax Tree format
  • nlcst — Natural Language Concrete Syntax Tree format


See contributing.md in syntax-tree/.github for ways to get started. See support.md for ways to get help. Ideas for new utilities and tools can be posted in syntax-tree/ideas.

A curated list of awesome syntax-tree, unist, hast, mdast, nlcst, and xast resources can be found in awesome syntax-tree.

This project has a code of conduct. By interacting with this repository, organization, or community you agree to abide by its terms.


The initial release of this project was authored by @wooorm.


CC-BY-4.0 © Titus Wormer