
Just using CSS animations to increase the immersion in the comics!

Primary LanguageCSS



Hello! I'm a digital artist! I'm using web technologies to create even more captivating art and comics. One of the things that really displeases me is seeing how current comics are being created, the famous "webtoons" or "webcomics". Artists are simply putting their work inside the box, using a powerful browser or webview to display static images, and we can use web technologies to create and tell even more compelling and profound stories.

This combination of comics and css can provide in addition to interactions and animations, translations in any language, accessibility for reading and other features that I can't imagine right now...

I'm no expert in drawing or web programming, but I hope that my studies in this combination will increase artists' interest and create even more interesting works!

Thanks and bye!

🍮️ Cooking

🐈‍⬛ Darkness

☔️ Rainy Day