
An esbuild plugin for building elm projects

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An esbuild plugin for building elm projects



Add this plugin to your project's dev-dependencies by running the following -

yarn add -D esbuild-plugin-elm
// OR
npm install -D esbuild-plugin-elm


A simple example can be found in ./examples/basic/.

  entryPoints: ['src/index.js'],
  bundle: true,
  outfile: 'dist/bundle.js',
  plugins: [
    ElmPlugin(options) // options are documented below
}).catch(e => (console.error(e), process.exit(1)))

Import paths

Import paths will be resolved using the paths listed in source-directories in elm.json. If none resolve, the import is assumed to be relative to the importing file.


  • debug (default: false):

    Enable the time-travelling debugger

  • optimize (default: NODE_ENV === 'production'):

    Optimize the js output (true by default if NODE_ENV is production)

  • pathToElm (default: node_modules/.bin/elm || elm):

    Specify an explicit path to the elm executable

  • clearOnWatch (default: false):

    Clear the console before re-building on file changes

  • cwd (default: <PWD>):

    The current working directory/elm project root

  • verbose (default: false):

    Enable verbose output of node-elm-compiler
