
This directive allows you to split !

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

UI.Layout directive Build Status

This directive allows you to split stuff ! Holy grail demo


  • AngularJS

NOTE : if you use IE<=9, iOS<7 or Android<4 please include the requestAnimationFrame polyfill in your application.

NOTE : version 1.x is only compatible with IE>=10. If you use IE<=9 you need to use version 0.x



npm install --save angular-ui-layout

module.exports of index.js is the string 'ui.layout' so you can include it as such:

angular.module('myApp', [require('angular-ui-layout')]);
bower install angular-ui-layout\#bower
# or
bower install angular-ui-layout\#v0.0.0
# or
bower install angular-ui-layout\#src0.0.0

This will copy the UI.Layout files into a bower_components folder, along with its dependencies. Load the script files in your application:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bower_components/angular-ui-layout/ui-layout.css"/>
<!-- ... -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/raf/index.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular-ui-layout/ui-layout.js"></script>

Add the UI.Layout module as a dependency to your application module:

var myAppModule = angular.module('MyApp', ['ui.layout']);


Add the directive like so:

<div ui-layout="{ flow : 'row' }"></div>
<ui-layout options="{ flow : 'row' }"></ui-layout>

If using a layout-container with ng-repeat, make sure to include a track by clause to the repeat, typically with $index:

<div ui-layout="{flow : 'column'}" class="maincontainer" >
  <div ui-layout-container ng-repeat="item in items track by $index"></div>



Type: String Default: 'row' flow: row | column

A fake flex-direction property. It specifies how the child elements are placed in the layout container, by setting the direction of the flex container's main axis. This determines the direction that child elements are laid out in.


Type: Integer Default: 10

The size in pixels that you want the divider/splitbar to be.


Type: Boolean Default: false

Set to true if you don't want the toggle arrows appearing in the splitbar.


Type: Boolean Default: false

Like disableToggle above but only removes the arrows on mobile devices (max-device-width: 480px).

Child Attributes


Required on all child elements of the ui-layout element.

<div ui-layout>
    <div ui-layout-container></div>    
    <div ui-layout-container></div>    


Type: String

Sets the default placement of the splitbar.

<div ui-layout>
    <div ui-layout-container size="100px"></div>

<div ui-layout>
    <div ui-layout-container size="10%"></div>


Type: String Default: '8px'

Specifices the minimum size the child element can be set to. Defaults to the width of the splitbar if no value is provided.

<div ui-layout>
    <div ui-layout-container min-size="100px"></div>

<div ui-layout>
    <div ui-layout-container min-size="10%"></div>


Type: String

Specifices the maxium size the child element can be set to.

<div ui-layout>
    <div ui-layout-container max-size="100px"></div>

<div ui-layout>
    <div ui-layout-container max-size="10%"></div>


Events are broadcast on the scope where ui-layout is attached. This means they are available to any controller inside of a ui-layout container.


Dispatched when a container is opened or closed using the chevron buttons.

$scope.$on('ui.layout.toggle', function(e, container){
  if ( container.size > 0 ){
     console.log('container is open!');


Dispatched as a splitbar is dragged, debounced to occur only every 50ms.

$scope.$on('ui.layout.resize', function(e, beforeContainer, afterContainer){});


We use Karma and jshint to ensure the quality of the code. The easiest way to run these checks is to use grunt:

npm install -g gulp
npm install && bower install

The karma task will try to open Firefox and Chrome as browser in which to run the tests. Make sure this is available or change the configuration in test\karma-jqlite.conf.js and test\karma-jquery.conf.js

Some test tasks :

  • gulp karma : Will run jqlite and jquery tests in simple run mode,
  • gulp karma:jqlite:unit : Will run jqlite tests in simple run mode,
  • gulp karma:jquery:unit : Will run jquery tests in simple run mode,
  • gulp karma:jqlite:watch : Will run jqlite tests and watch for changes,
  • gulp karma:jquery:watch : Will run jquery tests and watch for changes,

** gulp serve runs and watches all**