
Repository setting up algorithm weekly book club

Primary LanguageElixirOtherNOASSERTION


Repository for following along the book Introduction to Algorithms Third Edition


git clone git@github.com:phereford/algorithm_ex_ercises.git
cd algorithm_ex_ercises
mix deps.get


The Introduction to Algorithms book is an amazingly detailed book with algorithms and data structures. Every week, we will be reading about one algorithm and implementing it in Elixir. We are not doing code golf, or looking to compete/optimize our solutions against one another. We are working through each algorithm systematically and running performance benchamrks against each of our implementations.


Every module created for your algorithm or data structure will need documentation to show an understanding of Big-O notation and the time/space requirements for the algorithm. For all of us that are partaking in this adventure, let's follow this format for naming conventions:

defmodule AlgorithmExErcises.Phereford.InsertionSort do

Let's utilize our github username for namespacing each of our implementations. As a note, we do not have to merge back into this master repository if you don't want to. The idea here is by issuing a PR and merging back into this, we can see all of the different paths to implementing a specific type of algorithm and work towards understanding the nuances of each solution.

Performance Testing

In addition, we should include benchee performance tests to keep track of performance of every implementation and every algorithm.

Unit Testing

I love unit testing. If you have the time to unit test, by all means go for it. The purposes of the book club is not to create production ready algorithms. The intent is to create a working knowledge of algorithms, their time space constraints and how they perform in comparison to one another. If you want to unit test, go for it but it is by no means mandatory.