
investigate vector pointer areas

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Related to #205, review pointer areas...

These are some strange looking pointer areas, in vector creator panels (toolboxes):


And these look at bit suspicious too, on the graph:


If I increase the pointer area dilations for vectors on the graph, they look like the vectors in the toolbox, see below.


The pointer areas are set like this in RootVectorNode:

this.arrowNode.mouseArea = this.arrowNode.shape.getOffsetShape( ARROW_MOUSE_AREA_OFFSET );
this.arrowNode.touchArea = this.arrowNode.shape.getOffsetShape( ARROW_TOUCH_AREA_OFFSET );

So maybe this is just how things look when using ArrowNode's shape.

@jonathanolson do you see anything odd here, or is this expected behavior?

The code to make offset shapes would make those expected results. Are you asking whether those are the shapes we want? Or if there is a technical issue in that the shapes are unexpected?

Thanks. I was asking whether that's the expected result, given the current implementation. It's working fine, so no technical issues. But I was expecting to see something like this:


Versus what the current implementation does:


EDIT: The latter looks like there are separate pointer areas for the arrow's tail and head.