Expenses Tracker App
A clear desingned, functional and simple to use daily expenses tracker. -- Github page: https://github.com/phfa26/ExpensesTrackerApp -- Heroku deployment: https://my-expenses-tracker-project.herokuapp.com/
- Create, edit, and categorize them.
- Sort by date, name them, and never forget where you ended up spending that spare change.
- Categorize your expenses with custom our pre-defined categories.
- Manage, create, delete, or update your categories as you please.
A bit more technical:
- Fully functional fields and data validation. (e.g. dates, emails, user names, categories names, and their uniquenesses)
- Clean and intuitive design. Just sign-up and you are good to go!
Used technologies:
- Developed using Ruby-on-Rails, Html, CSS, and Bootstrap.
- Developed using Ruby-on-Rails controllers and models combined with PostgreSQL database.
- This is is deplyed and maintained on Heroku. Please check it out!
Expenses Tracker App uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- [Ruby-on-Rails] - Ruby enhanced for web apps!
- [Bootstrap] - awesome designs and icons library.
- [PostgreSQL] - Broadly used in the industry, reliable, and very efficient database.
- Heroku - Deployment and maintenance platform. Very reliable and efficient.
And of course Expenses Tracker App itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.