Play the good old Tic Tac Toe game in a very fun way.
Call a friend, split turns and choose your favorite
icon to play.
Special features:
- Choose different icons to make your playing
experience even more fun and customized. - Chase your tail with the "Cat's game" draw feature.
Game rules:
Every match is made out of up to 3 rounds.
Every round that is won will increase your team's points by 1.
Wins the team that reach 2 points first, or gets a 1x0 score out of the three rounds.
The first team to play will aways be the BONES TEAM ('X').
In case the current round is won by any of the teams, the next round will start being the losing teams turn.
In case of a draw, it will aways start as TEAM SKULLS ('O') turn.
A round draw will be called 'Cat's game!'.
A match (3 rounds) draw will also be considered a 'Cat's game'.
Have fun!
Technologies and tools used to develop this project:
- Bootstrap v4.3.1
- HTML 5
- Javascript
- Jquery v2.1.3
Skulls and Bones v2.0
Features to be implemented:
- Online multiplayer;
- Local and online data storage;
- User's ID and winning/loss counter;
- Higher scores and statics;
- 1 player game against computer in different levels of difficult.
- No known bugs.
- If you find one, or have any sugestion of improvement,
please fell free to contact the developer on .
Thank you!
Writen by: Paulo Henrique F. do Amaral
General Assembly Software Engineering Student
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Sep, 2019.
Special thanks to the instructors:
Aaron Cox,
Yianni Moustakas,
Fede Lopez.
For all your help and patience.