PVC is a two-way router for Spout and Syphon. You can pass images through the PVC receiver, do whatever post-processing you want with it, and then send it back through the PVC sender.
conda activate ./.venv
conda env update --prefix ./.venv --file environment.yml --prune
python pvc/pipe/pipe_test.py
uvicorn pvc.api:pvc --reload
- Client places image in the sender spout/syphon buffer
- Client sends a message over websocket, alerting the server of what to do with the next image. The server can read the image into memory, and pass it to the appropriate OP callback
- Server executes the OP callback, and finishes the transaction by placing it in the reciever spout/syphon buffer
- Server sends a message over websocker, alerting the client that the processing is done.
"op": {
"name": "ControlNet",
"config": {
"status": "done"
"msg": ""
"status": "error"
"msg": "reason"