Define delegates around types and records.
[clj-delegate "0.1.1"]
(ns my-ns
(:require [clj-delegate.core :refer [defdelegate]]))
(defprotocol MyProtocol
(my-method [this])
(my-other-method [this]))
(defrecord MyRecord [a b c]
(my-method [this]
(my-other-method [this]
(defdelegate MyDelegate MyRecord [d]
(my-other-method [this]
(let [record (MyRecord. 1 2 3)
delegator (MyDelegate. record 4)]
;; A record delegate is a record like any other record that stores a delegate
;; instance and supplementary fields.
(println delegator)
;; => #clj_delegate.core_test.MyDelegate{:a 1, :b 2, :c 3, :d 4}
;; The underlying delegate instace stays accessible as the 'delegate' field
(println (.delegate delegator))
;; => #clj_delegate.explorations.MyRecord{:a 1, :b 2, :c 3}
;; Note that this special field is not accessible via a keyword lookup
(println (:delegate delegator))
;; => nil
;; Original methods are callable
(println (.my-method delegator))
;; => bonjour
;; And can be redefined at will
(println (.my-other-method delegator))
;; => goodbye
;; The same goes for fields : delegate fields are directly accessible to the
;; the delegator.
(println (.a delegator))
(println (:a delegator))
;; => 1
;; And additionnal fields can be defined as well.
(println (.d delegator))
(println (:d delegator))
;; => 4
;; Any modification to the delegator (with the exception of its own fields)
;; impacts the underlying delegate. Here is an example using 'assoc'. The same
;; logic follows with dissoc, conj, cons, with-meta, etc...
(println (.delegate (assoc delegator :x :y)))
;; => #clj_delegate.explorations.MyRecord{:a 1, :b 2, :c 3, :x :y}
;; More importantly, delegator equivalate their delegate
(println (= delegator record))
;; => true
;; And are derive from it in the default isa? hierarchy
(println (isa? MyDelegate MyRecord))
;; => true
;; By default all method is forwarded to the delegate
(println (meta (MyDelegate. (with-meta (MyRecord. 1 2 3)
{:a :aa})
;; => {:a :aa}
;; Except if the method has been redefined in the body of the delegate of
;; if it has been subject to a transform
An additionnal transforms
argument can be passed to defdelegate
(defdelegate MyDelegate MyRecord [field1 field2]
[[matcher1 transformer1]
[matcher2 transformer2]])
A matcher can be :
- a list of matchers
- the fully qualified symbol of a class name
- a method signature triplet of the form:
[fully-qualified-class-symbol method-name param-names]
'[clojure.lang.IObj withMeta [m]]
Note that only the number of parameters and not their name matters in the signature. - a function accepting one method-descriptor as argument that should return true when it matches the method at hand.
A transformer can either be :
- a function accepting a method-descriptor as argument that modifies then returns it.
- quoted clojure code as a replacement for the method's existing implementation.
- the nil or false value
These matcher/transformer pairs will be used to process the existing methods of the delegate in order to adapt them. Whenever a matcher will match a method, the corresponding transformer will be run against it. If the transformer is or returns nil/false, then the method will be removed from the delegate implementation. Not that transformers return clojure quoted code and should return a seq user as body of the adapted method.
;; Our main strategy is to forward calls to the merge of the delegator and
;; its delegate.
[clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection count []]
[clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection equiv []]
(fn [m]
(assoc m :body
`(~(emit-call m
(emit-merge-with-delegate m
(:this m))))))]
; seq and associative (except assoc)
['[[clojure.lang.Seqable seq []]
[clojure.lang.Associative containsKey [k]]
[clojure.lang.Associative entryAt [k]]]
(fn [m]
(assoc m :body
`(~(emit-call m
(emit-merge-with-delegate m
(emit-fields-map (:this m) fields))))))]