
A Clojure library for grabbing real, random data via radioactive sources from fourmilab.ch's HotBits servers.

Primary LanguageClojure


A Clojure library designed to get real random bits from Hotbits (fourmilab.ch). See http://www.fourmilab.ch/hotbits/ for more.

                        ( )                                            
  _ __   _ _   ___     _| |   _     ___ ___    ___     __    ___   ___ 
 ( '__)/'_` )/' _ `\ /'_` | /'_`\ /' _ ` _ `\/' _ `\ /'__`\/',__)/',__)
 | |  ( (_| || ( ) |( (_| |( (_) )| ( ) ( ) || ( ) |(  ___/\__, \\__, \
 (_)  `\__,_)(_) (_)`\__,_)`\___/'(_) (_) (_)(_) (_)`\____)(____/(____/


WARNING: Use Sparingly! You will get errors if you exceed your 24-hour hotbits limit.

you can also use John Walker's RandomX package found at fourmilab's site.

add to leiningen dependencies:

[hotbits-clj "0.2.1-SNAPSHOT"]
(use 'hotbits.core)



make less hacky and more user/server request friendly :)


Copyright © 2013 Patrick Ryan - phiat

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.