
Calculate information you'd usually get by googling, offline.

offmega (the name is a play on Wolfram Alpha) can calculate information you'd usually get by googling, offline.

Typical queries include:

Planned queries include:

  • 20°F in °C
  • 469.5 Knots in km/h
  • 469.5 Knots in m/s
  • How many liters in 1 gallon
  • laughing emoji
  • en dash
  • Average body temperature
  • time now in LA
  • time difference LA - Düsseldorf
  • (distance Pluto - Earth) / light speed - (distance LA - New York) / 50 mp/h
  • Birth year of Barack Obama
  • 23rd president of the United states
  • Coordinates of Düsseldorf
  • Distance (my current position, Düsseldorf)
  • Number of movies that Kevin Spacey appeared in [requires imdb plugin]
  • Documentation for php's ini_get [requires doc/php plugin]
  • History of Wikipedia [requires Wikipedia plugin]
  • route from my current position to Düsseldorf Hbf [requires OsmAnd plugin]
  • How do I quit vim? [requires stackoverflow plugin]
  • location of [requires geoip and/or whois plugin]