
A node.js wrapper for RWTH L2p

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This module requires the request module in node. To install just do

npm install request


var auth = require("l2pAuth");


The OAuth workflow is the following:

  1. Obtaining a user code
  2. Obtaining an OAuth access token
  3. Calling the API

and optionally

  • Refreshing the token
  • validating the token
  • invalidating the token

Obtaining a user code

The first thing you will have to do is to let the user authorize your application. For that you have to provide him with a web page to login and authorize. To do that call the obtainUserCode(callback) function of l2pAuth. Example:


The response object stores the information sent back by the server and stores the following fields:

  • device_code : The code of the current device, will be used in later processes
  • user_code : The user code for verification
  • verification_url : An URL to pass to the user, so that he can authorize the app
  • expires_in : Time when the codes will expire
  • interval : Polling interval to get Auth token

These are accessed in a normal javascript fashion, that is for example response.device_code.

Obtaining OAuth tokens

After the user has authorize the app you are ready to request an OAuth token. This is done using the getTokens(device_code, callback) function. The device code is the one from the previous step.

The callback works the same as before and is a response object, that in the case of two distinct errors only has the status field with value "error: authorization pending" or "error: slow down" when the user has not yet authorized the app or the pollingwas done too fast respectively. If there was no error the response object has the following fields:

  • access_token : The access token used for the API
  • token_type : The type of the token (unused here but will always be "bearer")
  • expires_in : When the token will expire
  • refresh_token : The refresh token to request an new access token

Accessing the API

Accessing the API is done via the access token. There is a build in method for the course info called courseinfo(token,callback) and a general method that takes a custom url as input called callAPI(token,apiurl,callback).

The response is dependent on the call, please refer to the L2P API documentation for further information.

Refreshing a token

If the access token timed out, it is possible to request a new one using the refresh token, this is done via refreshToken(refreshToken, callback).

The response will have the following fields:

  • status : will be "ok"
  • expires_in : When the access token expires
  • access_token = The new token
  • token_type = will again be "bearer"

If the refresh token expired (after 6 month) you will get "error": "authorization invalid."

Token validation

If you wish to see if a token is valid, call the tokenValidation(accessToken, callback) function. The response will have the following fields:

  • status: If the request was "ok"
  • audience: "Your App Name"
  • scope: will be "l2p.rwth userinfo.rwth"
  • expires_in: When it expires
  • state: The state will be "valid" if the token can still be used

Token invalidation

If you are sure that you no longer want to use the API for this user you can destroy the access and refresh token using the function invalidateToken(refreshToken). As there will be no response object, there is no callback function.


Here is an example of the workflow:

var auth = require("l2pAuth");

//obtain user code
console.log(response.verification_url); //Show this url to your user
device_code = response.device_code; //save device code

//Make sure the user has now verified the app

//get access tokens
    //save tokens
    acessToken = response.access_token;
    refreshToken = response.refresh_token;

    //validate token and show output
    auth.tokenValidation(acessToken, function(response){