
A Go-based tracking of cosmic velocity fields through the use of tetrahedra

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


gotetra is a Go-based package which uses phase-space tesselation techniques to extract information about cosmological N-body simulations. The key application this code is the generation of high resolution images of density fields.

This README describes how to install and use gotetra. Programmers interested in modifying or using the source code can find documentation at https://godoc.org/github.com/phil-mansfield/gotetra.

An example image

Further example images can be found at: http://www.benediktdiemer.com/visualization/images/


  1. Install the Go compiler. The installation instructions can be found here: https://golang.org/doc/install. If you are installing on a unix-based system that you don't have root access to, follow the Linux instructions and replace /usr/local with some directory that you do have access to (I use ~/local/go/).
  2. Test that the Go compiler works by running $ go version.
  3. Create a directory that will host all your Go code. (I use ~/code/go/).
  4. Add a line to your .profile/.bashrc/.bash_profile which tells the Go compiler where this code will be. If you your code directory is ~/code/go/, write export GOPATH=$HOME/code/go.
  5. Download this package and dependencies into right directories by running
$ go get github.com/phil-mansfield/gotetra
$ go get gopkg.in/gcfg.v1
  1. Go to $GOPATH/src/github.com/phil-mansfield/gotetra/render/main and run the command go build main.go. This will create the main gotetra binary.
  2. Test this binary was created correctly by running ./main -help.

Running Gotetra

Gotetra create images in two steps. First, it converts particle snapshots into a new format. This is done using a config file which describes the location of your particle snapshots. Second, it renders either a 2D image or a 3D density grid using a pair of config files which describe rendering parameters and the portion of the simulation being rendered, respectively. This will output a .gtet file, which can be read using either Gotetra or a Python pacakge.

Step 1: Converting Particle Snapshots

To convert snapshots, you must run Gotetra on a machine with enough memory to store the entire simulation in RAM and much have enough disk space to store a second copy of your snapshots.

Generate an example configuration file, convert.cfg, by running $ ./main -ExampleConfig ConvertSnapshot > convert.cfg. Go through that example configuration file and change the variables to match the simulation you are working with.

Start converting files by running $ ./main -ConvertSnapshot convert.cfg. This will use all the threads on your machine unless you add an additional flag telling it how many to use (e.g. -Threads 8).

Step 2: Rendering Images

Rendering an image requires a rendering config file, render.cfg which specifies rendering resolution and a bounds file, box.cfg, which specified the image/volume being rendered.

As in step 1, create example configuration files by running

$ ./main -ExampleConfig Render > convert.cfg
$ ./main -ExampleConfig Box > box.cfg

and change the variables to match your rendering targets. If you are rendering the area around a halo, it may be more convenient to specify the rendering target using ./main -ExampleConfig Ball > ball.cfg.

Render the image by running the command $ ./main -Render render.cfg box.cfg. This will create a .gtet file at the directory given in render.cfg. By default, this command will use all the threads on your machine, but you can change that with the -Threads flag (e.g. -Threads 8). You can render multiple images at once by chaining them together at the end of the command (e.g. $ ./main -Render render.cfg box1.cfg ball1.cfg box2.gfc).


Python code for interfacing with gotetra output is provided in the python/ directory. gotetra.py is both a python library and a command line utility. Running it as $ python gotetra.py my_gotetra_file.gtet will print out information about the file, and importing it will give you access to functions which can read in gotetra headers and arrays. gotetra.py describes the functions and data structures in more depth, but read_header() returns bit a bunch of information about the rendering and read_grid() returns the grid corresponding to the image or volume being rendered.

example.py contains some example Python code that uses gotetra.py.

render.py is an incomprehensible blob of Python code that I use to generate images from .gtet files. I don't plan to document or maintain this, but you are free to use it if you'd like.



This project may experience breaking changes.
