GET Some Gifts!

Let's GET some gifts for the frontend team! We'll want to keep track of what each instructor wants, and be able to see the total amount we need to spend.

You'll be working to finish a partially complete application. The HTML and CSS has been built out for you (you are welcome to add, remove and change it however you see fit!). You'll need to make a GET request to display the following:

  • As a user, I should be able to see a list of all receipients with their wanted gift item and price.
  • As a user, I should be able to see the total amount I need to spend if I purchased all gifts.
    • As a user, when I check "purchased" for each item, I should see my total cost decrease accordingly.
    • As a user, I can see which items have associated links and can navigate to them

Note: You'll need to use this Holiday Shopping API to complete your tasks.


Description URL Method Required Properties for Request Sample Successful Response
Get all items GET none An array containing all items
