
Compression and crypto for Lua: LZMA, Chacha20, curve25519, ed25519 signature, Blake2b hash and more...

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT



Luazen is a small library with various compression, encoding and cryptographic functions for Lua: LZMA compression, base64 encoding, Chacha20 authenticated encryption, curve25519 key exchange, ed25519 signature, md5, sha512 and blake2b hash and argon2i KDF.

All the functions work on strings, there is no stream or chunked complex interface. All the C code is included. No external dependencies.

Recent changes

November-2022 version 2.1

  • The luazen library has been seriously streamlined. Algorithms that are either legacy, deprecated, not widely used, or that can be replaced with a pure Lua implementation have been retired (ascon, base58, blz, lzf, morus, norx, rc4)

  • The last luazen version including all these algorithms is v0.16. It can be accessed here.

Luazen borrows heavily from other projects. See the License and credits section below.


ChaCha20-Poly1305 is a widely used authenticated encryption designed by Dan Bernstein. It is used in many places including TLS, SSH and IPsec.

Blake2b is a cryptographic hash function (RFC 7693) designed by Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Samuel Neves, Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn, and Christian Winnerlein. It is as secure as SHA-3, and as fast as MD5.

Argon2i is a modern key derivation function (RFC 9106). It was created by Alex Biryukov, Daniel Dinu, and Dmitry Khovratovich. It is based on Blake2b. Like scrypt, it is designed to be expensive in both CPU and memory.

X25519 is an elliptic curve-based DH key-exchange algorithm designed by Dan Bernstein. Ed25519 is a digital signature algorithm based on the same curve. X25519 and Ed25519 are also used in many protocols including TLS and SSH.

LZMA is an excellent compression algorith designed by Igor Pavlov (of 7z fame).


--- LZMA Compression

	compress string str (LZMA algorithm)
	return the compressed string or (nil, error message)

	uncompress string cstr
	return the uncompressed string or (nil, error message)

--- Blake2b cryptographic hash

blake2b(text, [digest_size [, key]]) => digest
	digest_size is the optional length of the expected digest. 
	If provided, it must be an integer between 1 and 64. 
	It defaults to 64.
	key is an optional key allowing to use blake2b as a MAC function.
	If provided, key is a string with a length that must be between 
	1 and 64. The default is no key.
	The returned digest is a binary string. Default length is 64 bytes.

--- Argon2i password derivation 

argon2i(pw, salt, nkb, niter) => k
	compute a key given a password and some salt
	This is a password key derivation function similar to scrypt.
	It is intended to make derivation expensive in both CPU and memory.
	pw: the password string
	salt: some entropy as a string (typically 16 bytes)
	nkb:  number of kilobytes used in RAM (as large as possible)
	niter: number of iterations (as large as possible, >= 10)
	Return k, a key string (32 bytes).

	For example: on a i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz laptop,
	with nkb=100000 (100MB) and niter=10, the derivation takes close
	to 1 sec.

--- Authenticated encryption

encrypt(key, nonce, plain [, ninc]) => crypted
	authenticated encryption using Xchacha20 and a Poly1305 MAC
	key must be a 32-byte string
	nonce must be a 24-byte string
	plain is the text to encrypt as a string
	ninc: optional nonce increment (useful when encrypting a 
	   long text  as a sequence of block). The same parameter n 
	   can be used for the sequence. ninc is added to n for each
	   block, so the actual nonce used for each block encryption 
	   is distinct.
	   ninc defaults to 0 (the nonce n is used as-is)
	return the encrypted text as a string. The encrypted text
	includes the 16-byte MAC. So  #crypted == #plain + 16
decrypt(key, nonce, crypted [, ninc]) => plain
	authenticated decryption - verification of the Poly1305 MAC
	and decryption with Xcahcha20.
	key must be a 32-byte string
	nonce must be a 24-byte string
	crypted is the text to decrypt as a string
	ninc: optional nonce increment (see above. defaults to 0)
	return the decrypted plain text as a string or nil if the MAC 
	verification fails.

--- Curve25519-based Diffie-Hellman key exchange

public_key(sk) => pk
	return the public key associated to a curve25519 secret key
	sk is the secret key as a 32-byte string
	pk is the associated public key as a 32-byte string

	To generate a curve25519 key pair (sk, pk), do:
		sk = randombytes(32)
		pk = public_key(sk)
key_exchange(sk, pk) => k
	DH key exchange. Return a session key k used to encrypt 
	or decrypt a text.
	sk is the secret key of the party invoking the function 
	("our secret key"). 
	pk is the public key of the other party 
	("their public key").
	sk, pk and k are 32-byte strings

x25519(s, P1) => s.P1
	raw scalar multiplication over curve25519
	Note: usually this function should not be used directly.
	For DH key exchange, the key_exchange() function above 
	should be used instead.
	s: a scalar as a 32-byte string
	P1: a curve point as a 32-byte string
	return the product s.P1 as a 32-byte string

--- Ed25519 signature based on SHA512 (compatible with 
    the original NaCl signature functions) 
    Note that contrary to the sign() and sign_open() NaCl functions, 
    the signature is not prepended to the text ("detached signature")

sha512(m) => digest
	return the sha512 hash of message m as a 64-byte binary string

	return the public key associated to a secret key
	sk is the secret key as a 32-byte string
	pk is the associated public key as a 32-byte string

	Note: curve25519 keypairs or keys generated by sign_public_key() 
	cannot be used for the ed25519_* signature functions.
	To generate a signature key pair (sk, pk), do:
		sk = randombytes(32)
		pk = ed25519_public_key(sk)

ed25519_sign(sk, pk, text) => sig
	sign a text with a secret key
	sk is the secret key as a 32-byte string
	text is the text to sign as a string
	Return the text signature as a 64-byte string.

ed25519_check(sig, pk, text) => is_valid
	check a text signature with a public key
	sig is the signature to verify, as a 64-byte string
	pk is the public key as a 32-byte string
	text is the signed text
	Return a boolean indicating if the signature is valid or not

--- Legacy cryptographic functions

md5(str) => digest
	return the md5 hash of string str as a 16-byte binary string
	(no hex encoding)

--- Utilities

	return a string containing n random bytes

b64encode(str [, linelen])
	str is the string to base64-enccode
	linelen is an optional output line length
	(should be be multiple of 4). default is 72.
	if linelen == 0, no '\n' is inserted.

	str is the base64-encoded string to decode
	return the decoded string, or nil if str contains 
	an invalid character (whitespaces and newlines are ignored)


Adjust the Makefile according to your Lua installation (set the LUADIR variable).


	make          -- build luazen.so
	make test     -- build luazen.so if needed, 
                         then run test_luazen.lua
	make clean

An alternative Lua installation can be specified:

	make LUA=/path/to/lua LUAINC=/path/to/lua_include_dir test

Rockspec files are also provided to build the previous luazen version (v0.16) and the last github version with Luarocks:

	# build version 0.16:
	luarocks build luazen-0.16.rockspec
	# build last github version 
	luarocks build luazen-scm-1.rockspec

License and credits

Luazen is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

  • The luazen library is largely based on the Monocypher library (public domain - see monocypher license in the src tree)
  • lzma compression from the LZMA SDK, Igor Pavlov
  • base64 functions by Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo (public domain)
  • md5 by Cameron Rich (BSD)

See the licenses or public domain dedication in the source files.

The code from these sources has been more or less modified - all bugs are probably mine!

Copyright (c) 2022 Phil Leblanc