
Some analysis tools for the COVID situation in Germany

Primary LanguagePython


Some analysis for the COVID situation in Germany


Data source



Stack setup (in Kubernetes, using helm)

helm repo add influxdata https://influxdata.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
helm upgrade -i grafana stable/grafana
helm upgrade -i influxdb influxdata/influxdb --set persistence.storageClass=local-path

Python 3 deps

pip install panda progressbar

Data import

# Reformat original dataset to line format used in influxdb
python csv2line.py -d $DATABASE_NAME -i data/20200323_rki.csv -o data/20200323_rki.txt
# Import to influxdb
influx -import -path data/20200323_rki.txt -precision 'ns'

Import grafana dashboard from vis folder