##Summary This script outputs a tidy data set based on the Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Data Set dataset at the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository.
##Source data The source data is here:
##Processing steps The raw data includes accelerometer readings for 30 subjects. Each reading is a 561 feature vector These readings are used to build an activity model that identifies each subject activity as walking, laying, walking upstairs, walking downstairs, sitting, or running
From this raw data, we select only those readings pertaining to the mean and standard deviation for each accelerometer. This results in a 73 feature vector. These result are then aggregated by calculating the mean for each subject for each activity.
The results of this aggretion are presented with the average for each activity type presented grouped by subject and feature.
All values are unitless as raw data has been normalized.
##Code book 1 subjectID number from one to thirty indicating study subject ID 2 Body.AxialAccln.Mean.Xaxis avg of the mean of the X axis axial acceleration reading (decomposed to body component) 3 Body.AxialAccln.Mean.Yaxis avg of the mean of the Y axis axial acceleration reading (decomposed to body component) 4 Body.AxialAccln.Mean.Zaxis avg of the mean of the Z axis axial acceleration reading (decomposed to body component) 5 Body.AxialAccln.Stdev.Xaxis avg of the standard deviation of the X axis axial acceleration reading (decomposed to body component) 6 Body.AxialAccln.Stdev.Yaxis avg of the standard deviation of the Y axis axial acceleration reading (decomposed to body component) 7 Body.AxialAccln.Stdev.Zaxis avg of the standard deviation of the Z axis axial acceleration reading (decomposed to body component) 8 Gravity.AxialAccln.Mean.Xaxis avg of the mean of the X axis axial acceleration reading (decomposed to gravity component) 9 Gravity.AxialAccln.Mean.Yaxis avg of the mean of the Y axis axial acceleration reading (decomposed to gravity component) 10 Gravity.AxialAccln.Mean.Zaxis avg of the mean of the Z axis axial acceleration reading (decomposed to gravity component) 11 Gravity.AxialAccln.Stdev.Xaxis avg of the standard deviation of the X axis axial acceleration reading (decomposed to gravity component) 12 Gravity.AxialAccln.Stdev.Yaxis avg of the standard deviation of the Y axis axial acceleration reading (decomposed to gravity component) 13 Gravity.AxialAccln.Stdev.Zaxis avg of the standard deviation of the Z axis axial acceleration reading (decomposed to gravity component) 14 Body.AxialAcclnJerk.Mean.Xaxis avg of the mean of the X axis axial acceleration reading (jerk reading) 15 Body.AxialAcclnJerk.Mean.Yaxis avg of the mean of the Y axis axial acceleration reading (jerk reading) 16 Body.AxialAcclnJerk.Mean.Zaxis avg of the mean of the Z axis axial acceleration reading (jerk reading) 17 Body.AxialAcclnJerk.Stdev.Xaxis avg of the standard deviation of the X axis axial acceleration reading (jerk reading) 18 Body.AxialAcclnJerk.Stdev.Yaxis avg of the standard deviation of the Y axis axial acceleration reading (jerk reading) 19 Body.AxialAcclnJerk.Stdev.Zaxis avg of the standard deviation of the Y axis axial acceleration reading (jerk reading) 20 Body.Angular.AxialAcclnln.Mean.Xaxis avg of the mean of the X axis angular acceleration reading 21 Body.Angular.AxialAcclnln.Mean.Yaxis avg of the mean of the Y axis angular acceleration reading 22 Body.Angular.AxialAcclnln.Mean.Zaxis avg of the mean of the Z axis angular acceleration reading 23 Body.Angular.AxialAcclnln.Stdev.Xaxis avg of the standard deviation of the X axis angular acceleration reading 24 Body.Angular.AxialAcclnln.Stdev.Yaxis avg of the standard deviation of the Y axis angular acceleration reading 25 Body.Angular.AxialAcclnln.Stdev.Zaxis avg of the standard deviation of the Z axis angular acceleration reading 26 Body.Angular.AxialAcclnlnJerk.Mean.Xaxis avg of the mean of the X axis angular acceleration reading (jerk reading) 27 Body.Angular.AxialAcclnlnJerk.Mean.Yaxis avg of the mean of the Y axis angular acceleration reading (jerk reading) 28 Body.Angular.AxialAcclnlnJerk.Mean.Zaxis avg of the mean of the Z axis angular acceleration reading (jerk reading) 29 Body.Angular.AxialAcclnlnJerk.Stdev.Xaxis avg of the standard deviation of the X axis angular acceleration reading (jerk reading) 30 Body.Angular.AxialAcclnlnJerk.Stdev.Yaxis avg of the standard deviation of the Y axis angular acceleration reading (jerk reading) 31 Body.Angular.AxialAcclnlnJerk.Stdev.Zaxis avg of the standard deviation of the Z axis angular acceleration reading (jerk reading) 32 Body.AxialAcclnMag.Mean avg of the mean of the magnitude of the axial acceleration reading (body component) 33 Body.AxialAcclnMag.Stdev avg of the standard deviation of the magnitude of the axial acceleration reading (body component) 34 Gravity.AxialAcclnMag.Mean avg of the mean of the magnitude of the axial acceleration reading (gravity component) 35 Gravity.AxialAcclnMag.Stdev avg of the standard deviation of the magnitude of the axial acceleration reading (gravity component) 36 Body.AxialAcclnJerkMag.Mean avg of the mean of the magnitude of the axial acceleration jerk reading (body component) 37 Body.AxialAcclnJerkMag.Stdev avg of the standard deviation of the magnitude of the axial acceleration jerk reading (body component) 38 Body.Angular.AxialAcclnlnMag.Mean avg of the mean of the magnitude of the angular acceleration reading (body component) 39 Body.Angular.AxialAcclnlnMag.Stdev avg of standard deviation of the magnitude of the angular acceleration reading (body component) 40 Body.Angular.AxialAcclnlnJerkMag.Mean avg of the mean of the magnitude of the angular acceleration jerk reading (body component) 41 Body.Angular.AxialAcclnlnJerkMag.Stdev avg of standard deviation of the magnitude of the angular acceleration jerk reading (body component) 42 fBody.AxialAccln.Mean.Xaxis avg of the mean of the fourier transformed X axis axial acceleration reading (body component) 43 fBody.AxialAccln.Mean.Yaxis avg of the mean of the fourier transformed Y axis axial acceleration reading (body component) 44 fBody.AxialAccln.Mean.Zaxis avg of the mean of the fourier transformed Z axis axial acceleration reading (body component) 45 fBody.AxialAccln.Stdev.Xaxis avg of the standard deviation of the fourier transformed X axis axial acceleration reading (body component) 46 fBody.AxialAccln.Stdev.Yaxis avg of the standard deviation of the fourier transformed Y axis axial acceleration reading (body component) 47 fBody.AxialAccln.Stdev.Zaxis avg of the standard deviation of the fourier transformed Z axis axial acceleration reading (body component) 48 fBody.AxialAcclnJerk.Mean.Xaxis avg of the mean of the fourier transformed X axis axial acceleration jerk reading (body component) 49 fBody.AxialAcclnJerk.Mean.Yaxis 50 fBody.AxialAcclnJerk.Mean.Zaxis 51 fBody.AxialAcclnJerk.Stdev.Xaxis avg of the standard deviation of the fourier transformed X axis axial acceleration jerk reading (body component) 52 fBody.AxialAcclnJerk.Stdev.Yaxis 53 fBody.AxialAcclnJerk.Stdev.Zaxis 54 fBody.Angular.AxialAcclnln.Mean.Xaxis avg of the mean of the fourier transformed X axis angular acceleration jerk reading (body component) 55 fBody.Angular.AxialAcclnln.Mean.Yaxis 56 fBody.Angular.AxialAcclnln.Mean.Zaxis 57 fBody.Angular.AxialAcclnln.Stdev.Xaxis avg of the standard deviation of the fourier transformed X axis angular acceleration jerk reading (body component) 58 fBody.Angular.AxialAcclnln.Stdev.Yaxis 59 fBody.Angular.AxialAcclnln.Stdev.Zaxis 60 fBody.AxialAcclnMag.Mean avg of the mean magnitude of the fourier transformed X axis axial acceleration reading (body component) 61 fBody.AxialAcclnMag.Stdev 62 fBodyBody.AxialAcclnJerkMag.Mean avg of the mean magnitude of the fourier transformed X axis axial acceleration jerk reading (body component) 63 fBodyBody.AxialAcclnJerkMag.Stdev 64 fBodyBody.Angular.AxialAcclnlnMag.Mean 65 fBodyBody.Angular.AxialAcclnlnMag.Stdev 66 fBodyBody.Angular.AxialAcclnlnJerkMag.Mean 67 fBodyBody.Angular.AxialAcclnlnJerkMag.Stdev 68 angle.Body.AxialAcclnMean.gravity. 69 angle.Body.AxialAcclnJerkMean..gravityMean. 70 angle.Body.Angular.AxialAcclnlnMean.gravityMean. 71 angle.Body.Angular.AxialAcclnlnJerkMean.gravityMean. 72 angle.X.gravityMean. 73 angle.Y.gravityMean. 74 angle.Z.gravityMean. 75 activityDescription