CalendarHelper ============== A simple helper for creating an HTML calendar. The "calendar" method will be automatically available to your view templates. There is also a Rails generator that copies some stylesheets for use alone or alongside existing stylesheets. Usage ===== # Simple calendar(:year => 2005, :month => 6) # Set table class calendar({:year => 2005, :month => 6, :table_class => "calendar_helper"}) # Full featured calendar(:year => 2005, :month => 5) do |d| # This generates a simple calendar, but gives special days if listOfSpecialDays.include?(d) # (days that are in the array listOfSpecialDays) one CSS class, [d.mday, {:class => "specialDay"}] # "specialDay", and gives the rest of the days another CSS class, else # "normalDay". You can also use this highlight today differently [d.mday, {:class => "normalDay"}] # from the rest of the days, etc. end end If using with ERb (Rails), put in a printing tag. <%= calendar(:year => @year, :month => @month, :first_day_of_week => 1) do |d| render_calendar_cell(d) end %> With Haml, use a helper to set options for each cell. = calendar(:year => @year, :month => @month, :first_day_of_week => 1) do |d| - render_calendar_cell(d) Authors ======= Jeremy Voorhis -- Original implementation Geoffrey Grosenbach -- Test suite and conversion to a Rails plugin Contributors ============ * Jarkko Laine * Tom Armitage * Bryan Larsen Usage ===== See the RDoc (or use "rake rdoc"). To copy the CSS files, use ./script/generate calendar_styles CSS will be copied to subdirectories of public/stylesheets/calendar.