
Controls and Mappings manager for Space Sim games, like Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous

Primary LanguageC#

Space Sim Control Manager

Utility to help players retain and migrate their control mappings for space-sim games, especially for new SC version releases. Elite Dangerous is also supported.

Standard Usage (Star Citizen)


Reads the Star Citizen actionmaps.xml file and stores the input device settings and mappings.

> SSCM.exe sc import
Read in 4 input devices.
Read in 114 mappings.
Mappings backed up to [My Documents\SSCM\SC\scmappings.json].


Opens the captured mappings file in the system default editor. Set the Preserve property to true to overwrite the game configuration when exporting.

> SSCM.exe sc edit
Opening [My Documents\SSCM\SC\scmappings.json] in the default editor, change the Preserve property to choose which settings are overwritten.

Export Preview

Previews changes to the Star Citizen game configuration based on the preserved captured mappings.

> SSCM.exe sc export
Updating seat_general-v_toggle_mining_mode to js2_button56...
Updating seat_general-v_toggle_quantum_mode to js2_button19...
Updating seat_general-v_toggle_scan_mode to js2_button54...
CONFIGURATION NOT UPDATED: Execute "export apply" to apply these changes.

Export Apply

Updates the Star Citizen game configuration based on the preserved captured mappings.

> SSCM.exe sc export apply
Updating seat_general-v_toggle_mining_mode to js2_button56...
Updating seat_general-v_toggle_quantum_mode to js2_button19...
Updating seat_general-v_toggle_scan_mode to js2_button54...
Saving updated actionmaps.xml...
Saved, run "restore" command to revert.
CONFIGURATION UPDATED: Changes applied to [C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE\USER\Client\0\Profiles\default\actionmaps.xml].


Creates a plain-text report of the captured mappings (multiple formats available).

> SSCM.exe sc report > starcitizen_mappings.md
> SSCM.exe sc report -f csv > starcitizen_mappings.scv
> SSCM.exe sc report -f json > starcitizen_mappings.json

Advanced Usage

Importing when there is already saved mappings

Instead of automatically importing, this will display the differences between the captured and latest mappings for review.

> SSCM.exe sc import
MAPPING changed and will merge: [seat_general-v_toggle_mining_mode] js2_button55 => js2_button54
MAPPING changed and will not merge: [seat_general-v_toggle_quantum_mode] => js2_button56, preserving js2_button19
MAPPING changed and will not merge: [seat_general-v_toggle_scan_mode] => js2_button55, preserving js2_button54
1 changes NOT saved! Run in merge or overwrite modes to save changes.

Merge mappings

Merges the latest changes for the non-preserved mappings.

> SSCM.exe sc import merge
MAPPING changed and will merge: [seat_general-v_toggle_mining_mode] js2_button55 => js2_button54
MAPPING changed and will not merge: [seat_general-v_toggle_quantum_mode] => js2_button56, preserving js2_button19
MAPPING changed and will not merge: [seat_general-v_toggle_scan_mode] => js2_button55, preserving js2_button54
Mappings backed up to [My Documents\SSCM\SC\scmappings.json].

Overwrite mappings

Overwrite all the captured mappings with the latest changes.

> SSCM.exe sc import overwrite
Read in 4 input devices.
Read in 114 mappings.
Overwriting existing mappings data!
Mappings backed up to [My Documents\SSCM\SC\scmappings.json].

Back up the Star Citizen actionmaps.xml

Makes a local copy of the Star Citizen actionmaps.xml, which can be restored later.

> SSCM.exe sc backup
actionmaps.xml backed up to [My Documents\SSCM\SC\actionmaps.xml.20221223022032.bak].

Restore the backed-up Star Citizen actionmaps.xml

Restores the latest local backup of the Star Citizen actionmaps.xml.

> SSCM.exe sc restore
actionmaps.xml restored from [My Documents\SSCM\SC\actionmaps.xml.20221223022032.bak].

Edit the Star Citizen actionmaps.xml

Opens the Star Citizen game configuration in the system default editor.

> SSCM.exe sc editgame
Opening [C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE\USER\Client\0\Profiles\default\actionmaps.xml] in the default editor.