
API wrapper for sending transactional emails with sendWithUs.com

Primary LanguageColdFusion


This repository contains the source code for the ColdFusion/CFML library for sending email via the sendwithus API.


Copy the sendwithuscfc folder to your webroot. If don't install the files into your webroot, create a mapping for "/sendwithuscfc" to wherever it is installed.


	//initialize the api object
	api = CreateObject("component", "sendWithUsCfc.SendWithUsApi")
		.init(apiKeyLive="live-api-key", apiKeyTest="test-api-key", liveMode=false);
	//construct the send request	
	sendRequest = api.newSendRequest()
	.setEmailId("email-template-id-goes here")
	.setSender({"address": "support@the-sending-domain.com", "name": "Support"})
	.setEmailData({"first_name": "Fred"});

	//call the api to send the email
	apiResponse = api.send(sendRequest);
	// did we succeed?
    if (apiResponse.statusCode EQ "200")
        // Yes!  Look at apiResponse.result 
        // check apiResponse.message and/or apiResponse.status