The repository contains various implementations for Neural Arithmetic Logic Unit by Google's Deep Mind. The paper on the same can be found here:
Description of various files:
- : Implementation of Neural Accumulator to be trained on addition task. Mean square eror of 0 achieved on extrapolation task.
- : Implementation of NALU and can be trained on addition or multiplication task. Training samples consist of only positive float values. Mean square error of 0.02 achieved on extrapolated multipication task.
- Implementation of NALU for dividion task. Very poor result so far. MSE reducing with increase in number of training samples.
- Task of for both negative and positive flaot values. Very poor results on both addition and multiplication, despite increasing no. of training samples. The MSE doesn't decrease after a certain value. Results on extrapolation are even worse.
To run any file: python3
Prerequisite: tensorflow and numpy