
cookbook for deploying multiple wordpress virtualhosts to opsworks

Primary LanguageRuby

Wordpress Virtual Hosts

Provides a method of setting up Wordpress virtual hosts that share a single wordpress codebase, with options for individually configured plugins and themes.

Quickstart: Example stack config

				"blogname":"Name of the Blog",
				"blogdescription":"Description of the Blog",
			"domaintwo.com":{ ... },
			"domainthree.com":{ ... }
			"id":"your aws access key id",
			"key":"your aws secret key"

Custom lifecycle events

Add these recipes to your layer's custom lifecycle events:

  • Setup: wordpress-opsworks wordpress-opsworks::setup_wordpress
  • Deploy: wordpress-opsworks::setup_vhosts

Virtual host configuration


Key Description Required
vhost[:admin_username] Administrator username used for initial setup (default: admin) recommended
vhost[:admin_password] Administrator password used for initial setup (default: admin) recommended
vhost[:editor_username] Editor username used for initial setup (default: editor) recommended
vhost[:editor_password] Editor password used for initial setup (default: editor) recommended
vhost[:themes] array of themes to link to the vhost optional
vhost[:plugins] array of plugins to link to the vhost optional
vhost[:siteurl] Site url of blog, used for internal links (default: http://domainname.com/wordpress/) optional
vhost[:home] Home url of blog, (default: http://domainname.com/) optional
vhost[:blogname] Initial blog name optional
vhost[:blogdescription] Initial description optional
vhost[:users_can_register] Allow user registration (0|1) optional
vhost[:admin_email] Administrator contact email optional
vhost[:aliases] array of alias domains optional
vhost[:debug] Enable wordpress debug mode optional


  • create database on provision :shipit:
  • import skeleton schema / data :shipit:
  • modify siteurl & home settings :shipit:
  • set default admin user / pass :shipit:
  • set up plugins & themes :shipit:
  • set up random encryption salts once
