Cryptid Keeper

A express app for hosting details of paranormal encounters/entities and commenting on them. People can create new entries and they will be displayed on approval by a user with admin permissions. Users can register and the comments will autofill their name. Otherwise it will default to anonmyous. The app has a search bar and will query by either name or tags.

The app has full CRUD functionality. It was built using Node.js, Mongoose, Express, and EJS.

Unsolved Problems
Having certain elements only appear to logged on users. I spent a fair bit trying out different methods before I ditched it to focus on more important things.

To Be Improved On or To Do
Better CSS Styling
Sub pages for individual posts by users that are shown on the entries page with their own discussion section.

Wireframes > Wireframes with basic page layouts

wire frame of project

User Stories
As a user i want to be able to view an index of entries and individual entries
As a user i want to be able to create cryptid entries
As a user i want to be able to edit entries
As a user i want to be able to delete entries
As a user i want to be able to comment on a page and their comment will be saved and displayed.

MVP Goals
7 RESTful routes and full CRUD
MVC file structure: Models, Views, Controllers
CSS styling
EJS Partials
User can leave comments on pages in a comment section

Stretch Goals Reached
-User sign in and sign out
-Search by specific tags and have a list of relevant entries be displayed