
Helpfull Laravel package to work with the Sevdesk API.

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laravel sevdesk api

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This package make a connection to the sevdesk api and let you interact with it.

Sevdesk API Documentation


You can install the package via composer:

composer require exlo89/laravel-sevdesk-api

Set your api token with


Optionally you can publish the configfile with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-sevdesk-api

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
     * Api token you from sevdesk.
    'api_token' => env('SEVDESK_API_TOKEN', ''),


First Instantiate a sevdesk instance.

$sevdeskApi = SevdeskApi::make();

Create Contact

Create sevdesk contacts. There are 4 different default contact types in sevdesk.

  • supplier
  • customer
  • partner
  • prospect customer

The optional $parameters is for additional information like description, vatNumber or bankNumber.

$sevdeskApi->contact()->createSupplier('Supplier Organisation', $parameters);
$sevdeskApi->contact()->createCustomer('Customer Organisation', $parameters);
$sevdeskApi->contact()->createPartner('Partner Organisation', $parameters);
$sevdeskApi->contact()->createProspectCustomer('Prospect Customer Organisation', $parameters);

For accounting contact you have to create a contact first. You create a accounting contact using the created contact id.


For custom contact types use your custom category id.

$sevdeskApi->contact()->createCustom('Custom Organisation', $categoryId, $parameters);

Check Create Contact for more information.

Retrieve Contact

To get all contacts.


To get all contacts from a custom type.


To get a single contact.


Update Contact

To update a single contact. $contactId is required.

$sevdeskApi->contact()->update($contactId, $parameters);

Delete Contact

To delete a single contact. $contactId is required.


Create Contact Address

$sevdeskApi->contactAddress()->create($contactId, $parameters);

Create Communication Way

Create phone number.

$sevdeskApi->communicationWay()->createPhone($contactId, $phoneNumber);

Create mobile number.

$sevdeskApi->communicationWay()->createMobile($contactId, $mobileNumber);

Create email.

$sevdeskApi->communicationWay()->createEmail($contactId, $email);

Create website.

$sevdeskApi->communicationWay()->createWebsite($contactId, $website);

Retrieve Communication Way

Retrieve all communication ways.


Retrieve communication ways of a specific contact.


Delete Communication Way

To delete a single communication way.


Retrieve Invoice

To get all invoices.


To get all invoices filtered by status draft, open or payed.


To get all invoices filtered by a giving $contactId.


To get all invoices filtered by giving $timestamp.



Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email hello@martin-appelmann.de instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Laravel Package Boilerplate

This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.