
  1. Deploy this repo to Netlify using Deploy to Netlify

  2. Go to to enable the addon

  3. After enabling Authlify for a site, be sure to force a new deploy with clear cache and deploy site (this will be done automatically with an update on Sunday)

After it's deployed, you can hit three endpoints (there are better links to copy/paste curl commands if you go to your deployed site):

  1. "/.netlify/functions/secrets" - see all enabled auths + secrets (sanitized so they're not exposed)
  2. "/.netlify/functions/conditionalSecrets?skipSecrets=true" - an endpoint that can optionally retrieve secrets, useful to see the overhead of the current implementation
  3. "/.netlify/functions/addIssueComment?comment=Hello+there!" - an endpoint that requires GitHub to be authenticated with sufficient scopes (default should be fine). Will leave a comment on sgrove/blog#66

Be sure to destroy the app after you finish testing so there are no leaked secrets.