
install dependencies

  • install google cloud sdk brew cask install google-cloud-sdk
  • install terraform brew install terraform

prepare your environment

  • create a new terraform service account
  • add the following permissions:
    • App Engine Creator
    • Cloud Functions Admin
    • Cloud Scheduler Admin
    • Cloud SQL Admin
    • Pub/Sub Admin
    • Project IAM Admin
    • Storage Admin
    • Service Account User
    • Secret Manager
  • create and download a key for the created service account (.json key file)
  • copy the key to the project root folder and rename it to "google_cloud_key_develop.json"
  • enable the following APIs (
    • Cloud Pub/Sub API
    • Cloud Scheduler API
    • Cloud Functions API
    • Cloud SQL Admin API
    • App Engine Admin API
    • Cloud Build API
    • Secret Manager API

run terraform

  • terraform apply -var project_id=[your project id] -var-file=environments/develop/variables.tfvars