
Simple slack bot with basic NLP

Primary LanguagePython

Slack bot for deploying data tables to production

This repo is only for understanding how simple chatbot work and how they could be integrated into slack. If you would like to build production ready chatbots, please use an proper tool such as IBM Watson or DialogFlow.


  • Install conda (https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/)
  • Initialize conda environment conda create -n ${PWD##*/} python=3.7.6
  • Activate your conda environment conda activate ${PWD##*/}
  • Install all dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install spacy english core python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
  • Train the bot python bot/train.py
  • Copy ".env-sample" to ".env"
  • Fill in all environment variables. All slack related variables can be found under https://api.slack.com/apps//general.

Run flask locally

  • start ngrok ngrok http 8080
  • source our env variables source .env
  • start flask server python main-dev.py
  • copy ngrok public url
  • update slack bot event subscription (https://api.slack.com/apps//event-subscriptions?)
  • update slack bot interactivity (https://api.slack.com/apps//interactive-messages?)