Assume-Guarantee REasoning Environment (AGREE)
The Assume Guarantee REasoning Environment (AGREE) is a compositional, assume-guarantee-style model checker for AADL models. It is compositional in that it attempts to prove properties about one layer of the architecture using properties allocated to subcomponents. The composition is performed in terms of assumptions and guarantees that are provided for each component. Assumptions describe the expectations the component has on the environment, while guarantees describe bounds on the behavior of the component. AGREE is integrated into the OSATE AADL model development environment and uses k-induction as the underlying algorithm for the model checking.
User Guide
The user's guide for AGREE, including description of the plug-in for OSATE, assume-guarantee concepts, specification language reference manual, and examples is contained in the in-tool help. The source code for the help documentation is contained in the com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.doc project.
Development Guide
Setting-Up a Development Environment
The AGREE development environement is essentially the same as that for OSATE with the addition of the AGREE source projects. It is recommended to use the setup instructions provided by the OSATE team and then import the AGREE projects. Note that as OSATE does not guarantee backward compatibility for minor version updates, it is important to match the version of OSATE to the version of AGREE. Presently, AGREE is being developed with respect to OSATE version 2.6.x on Eclipse 2019-09.
Xtext Artifacts
AGREE uses Xtext to generate its language API and integration with OSATE as an annex language. While facilities to run the Xtext work flow as a build step under the Tycho/Maven build tool, this is not presently done. Since AGREE uses the Ecore meta model and classes, successful generation of Xtext artifacts under Tycho/Maven is not presently possible due the Xtext Core Issue 41. As a workaround, generated Xtext artifacts are stored in configuration management in this repository. Further, the Xtext artifacts are re-generated manually by application of the MWE workflow GenerateAgree.mwe2 from within an OSATE/Eclipse development environment.
Building the Documentation
The documentation source code is maintained in Markdown from which HTML, PDF, and DOCX output is generated. HTML output includes indexes for application as in-tool help files. As there is no formal standard for Markdown, the Pandoc variant is used. Building the documentation output requires Pandoc, pandoc-crossref, and a LaTeX distribution. An Apache ANT build script provided in the AGREE distribution can be used to automate the documentation build provided the required build tools have been installed. Since installation of the LaTeX distribution is intensive, documentation is not presently automatically built as a portion of the Travis-CI build process. Accordingly, pre-built generated documentation artifacts (HTML, PDF, and DOCX) are maintained in this repository.
Building in Tycho-Maven
Tycho is a collection of Maven plugins that map the Eclipse builds into Maven. Principally, it maps the OSGi dependencies into maven dependencies. Accordingly, the contents of the AGREE plugin manifests are combined with the pom.xml configurations to produce a unified builod environment.
To build and package AGREE as an Eclipse P2 repository apply the command line
mvn clean verify
This command deletes generated files (except Xtext artifacts and documenation outputs), compiles, runs tests and completes the packaging.
Branches and Tags
The AGREE tool development occurs on mainly on the master branch of this repository. The 'master' branch contains the releases and the HEAD of this branch should contain the latest release. Individual development efforts should be completed on branches from the master branch and then merged back into the master via a pull request including informal peer review.
It is the general policy to consider releases as final; no updates to releases are made. Instead all updates are made to the master branch and incorporated into the next release.
Occasionally it is desirable to create additional special-purpose branches for responding to issue/bug reports. These should be made from a branch from the release point and, if possible, merged onto the master branch prior to completion of the next release cycle. If such a branch spans a release, the developer should be merge the updated master branch onto the special-purpose branch to capture the updated versioning information and to avoid conflicts merging back into the develop branch.
Branch names should be chosen to describe the activity to be taken on the branch. For example, to develop a new feature 'A', the branch might be named 'develop-feature-A.' Or to fix an issue recorded in the issue base the branch might be named 'fix-issue-x' where x is the sequence number assigned to the issue.
Tags are typically reserved for releases, but may be used to mark special points in the development process.
Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment
AGREE continuous integration is carried out at Travis-CI. Daily builds of developmental snapshots are uploaded to the GitHub AGREE releases page. Additionally, Travis-CI conducts builds and tests in response to pull requests against the AGREE repository.
The process for a release updates master branch with the release version number, commits the master branch version number updates, builds the release version, updates the version numbering to the new development snapshot numbers, and finally commits the master branch with the new development version numbering. To accomplish the release preparation, the AGREE release process applies the Tycho Release Workflow to help automate the process. The steps in the release workflow are as follows:
Prepare for the release by running the release workflow plugin:
mvn release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=x.x.x -DdevelopmentVersion=y.y.y-SNAPSHOT
where 'x.x.x' is replaced withe the desired version number for the release and 'y.y.y' is replaced with the desired version number for the next development cycle. The SNAPSHOT qualifier must be appended to the development version as shown to facilitate the CI/CD automation of interim development builds.
During this process maven will ask for the tag to applied to the release. Release tags shall be of the form 'x.y.z-RELEASE' where
is the major version number,y
is the minor version number, andz
is the patch version number. Ordinarily, AGREE would follow the Semantic Versioning method. However, OSATE does not guarantee that micro versions have backward compatible API changes and AGREE must follow this.Also during the process an apparent bug in the Tycho release plugin will likely be encountered due to the apparent failure to be able to resolve the new version of the target. DON'T PANIC! If this occurs, edit the parent-level pom.xml and update the version of the target at approximately line 155, updating it to the new release version. Then resume the release process with the same command line as before.
And, the same thing will happen again as it updates the manifests for the new development version. Again edit the parent-level pom.xml and update the version of the target at approximately line 155, updating to the new development version. Then, again, resume the release process with the same command line as before.
Ordinarily one would expect to actually perform the release using the customary
mvn release:perform -Dgoals="clean verify"
command. However, this appears to run into difficulty fetching the appropriate tag to build. Instead do the following:git checkout x.x.x-RELEASE
mvn clean verify
is the version number to be released. -
Commit the release binaries into the companion releases repository at
git add ...
git commit -m "Commit release binaries into repository"
Finally, push the update develop branch to the origin repository:
git push
Note that the previous instructions assume that the developer has set
up appropriate ssh keys such that interactive query for authentication
is necessary. If this is not done, the release:prepare
steps will apparently just hang when such
interaction is required as they are in fact headless operations.
Alternatively to setting up ssh keys, the developer may add necessary
authenication information to the maven settings as described in Tycho
Release Workflow -- Configure the