Storybook Addon TYPO3 Fluid

Render TYPO3 Fluid templates in Storybook.


  • installed and configured TYPO3 instance with typo3fluid-api extension installed


Install with npm

npm i storybook-typo3fluid

Create a .env file in your Storybook folder and add the following environment variables which should match with the typo3fluid-api extension settings in your TYPO3 instance.

STORYBOOK_TYPO3FLUID_API_URL="<absolute path to typo3 typo3fluid-api endpoint>"


Stories for TYPO3 Fluid templates are similar to html stories. The only difference is how you create the component template inside the story. Use the FluidTemplate function to indicate which TYPO3 Fluid template you want to render. The passed arguments args contain all defined arguments from your story which will be made available in the TYPO3 Fluid template you want to use.

import { FluidTemplate } from "storybook-typo3fluid";

const Template = (args) => FluidTemplate({
  extension: '<extension name>',
  template: '<template name>',
  partial: '<partial name>',
  section: '<(optional) section name>',

Compare this to an official html template from storybook.

import { createButton } from './Button';

const Template = ({ label, ...args }) => {
  return createButton({ label, ...args });

Builder differences

Storybook uses the webpack builder by default which storybook-typo3fluid also supports by default. With some changes to your code you can also use @storybook/builder-vite with this package.

  • Add the STORYBOOK_ Prefix as an additional envPrefix in your vite.config.js.

    export default {
      envPrefix: [
  • Import the Vite entrypoint file in your stories as such:

    import { FluidTemplate } from "storybook-typo3fluid/dist/vite";


  • In stories defined callback functions are not yet supported.

Static Storybook build

If you want to use a static build of Storybook with access to a different TYPO3 instance you need to add the environment variables to the build process as such: