
Tools for generating symbolic robot models from ros urdf files

Primary LanguagePython

So far this repo can generate symbolic transformation matrices and Jacobians for a serial chain from a URDF

	rosrun symbolic_models sym_kinematics.py -r "right_arm_base_link" -t "right_l6"

Description: This program obtains the analytic value for the jacobian and transformation matrix from the root joint to the tip joint for a robot description on the parameter server.This program supports prismatic and revloute joints only. The output are saved as functions in C++ (.cpp .h matrix library Eigen) and matlab .m. \n \n

To Do: Add support for different joints, print out matrices in python format, add dynamics

Argument is not an mpz

It seems that there is an issue with the Python described https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/12895 The quick fix is to set an environment variable in current session using: export MPMATH_NOGMPY=1