
Early Angular-CLI project, local data in a model

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Recipe Box

One of my first sites working with Angular-CLI, local database displaying all recipes on the page, also utilizes a model

By: Philip Putnam, 03/29/2017


  1. Configuration/dependencies
  • Node.js, Node Packet Manager (NPM)
  • Bower
  • Angular-CLI
  • Bootstrap


  • In terminal, navigate to desired directory for project and clone project by typing: git clone https://github.com/philip-putnam/club-manager
  • In terminal, navigate into project directory by typing: cd meal-tracker
  • In terminal, after navigating into project directory, type: npm install
  • In terminal, after navigating into project directory, type: bower install
  • In terminal, navigate to project directory and type: atom . (or open project in your preferred program)
  • Create a file named 'api-keys.ts' within src/app (i.e., src/app/api-keys.ts)
  • In terminal, after navigating into project directory, type: ng serve (or ng s)
  • In web browser, navigate to localhost:4200
  • Enjoy!

Further help

This project was generated with angular-cli version 1.0.0-beta.28.3.

To get more help on the angular-cli use ng help or go check out the Angular-CLI README.


This project is licensed through MIT, © Philip Putnam, 2017