
lightweight automation framework

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status PyPI Version Supported Python versions

minimo is a lightweight automation framework. mainly focuses on automated test/task. the project name comes from the mini robot M-O in WALL-E as the following guy:


using minimo, you can create some standardized project instances by mmo init command. it will generate project with the organized folders like:

    |- bin # minimo reserved command, don't touch it
    |- cases # suite and cases here
    |- ext # customized extensions, will be loaded before running commands
    |- lib # customized library, put all your common code here
        |- app.py
        |- performer.py
    |- log
    |- templates # case template
    |- vendor # vendor library
    |- .dockerignore
    |- .gitignore
    |- config.yml # global configuration
    |- Dockerfile # dockerfile if you want to run scheduler in docker
    |- README.md
    |- requirements.txt # dependencies here, use ``pip install -r requirements.txt`` to install all dependencies

after project created, under the project root path you can use minimo commands to create suite/cases by mmo new, or run suite/cases by mmo run.

minimo will create new cases from the case template which is under templates folder. you can customize the template. you can also customize template for each suite if you create templates folder under the suite root path.

currently minimo can run suite/cases in two types, which are serial and concorrence, they are easy to understand from their names. and they can be configured in config.yml.

in concorrence mode, suite/cases will be run by multi-thread pool, thread count can be configured by max_thread_count.

the output can be configured too, currently supports text, html or xml.

tip: we can use mmo or minimo as the main command after v0.4.0, but in older version, it's only minimo.


we can use minimo by typing command in console, or calling its apis in your own project.


$ pip install -U minimo

Create project instance


$ mmo init [project-name] [-t template-path] [-o output-path]

the project will be created under output-path, default is the current working directory if no output-path specified. minimo will initialize the project with default template. or you can specify a path which contains the template.


import minimo

mmo = minimo.Application(

# return True or False for `init` result
result = mmo.call(

Create new cases


$ mmo new [cases...] [-a author]

for example:

$ mmo new suite1/case1 suite2/case2 case3 [-a hellokitty]

minimo will walk through the sub-directory of task suite, if templates exists in task suite, it initializes the case by the suite specified templates, otherwise, by the project default templates.

if specified author name, it will be filled in the template file, or minimo will get the current system user as the author name.


import minimo

mmo = minimo.Application(

# return successfully created cases list
cases = mmo.call(
    cases=["case1", "suite2/case1", "suite2/case2"]

template file is written in mako's syntax, check out mako.

List all standard cases


$ mmo ls [pattern...]

"pattern" supports Unix shell-style wildcards, such as * or ?. if not specified "pattern", it will list all standard cases' names under "cases" folder. if specified "pattern", it will search the case name by "pattern". can give multiple patterns, such as:

$ mmo ls foo bar*


import minimo

mmo = minimo.Application(

# return sorted valid cases
sorted_cases = mmo.call("ls")

Run suite


$ mmo run [case...]

can specify some cases separated by whitespace as:

$ mmo run case1 case2 case3

and also can specify some suites (case group under one folder) as:

$ mmo run suite1 suite2 suite3

minimo will run all cases under those suites.


import minimo

mmo = minimo.Application(

# return output file path or None if all failed
sorted_cases = mmo.call(
    cases=["suite1", "suite2/case1", "suite2/case2"]

Get help

$ mmo --help
$ mmo [command] --help

seems not useful in api mode

Get version


$ mmo version


import minimo

mmo = minimo.Application(

# version string
version = mmo.call("version")

Scheduled jobs

we can run scheduled jobs in minimo project since r0.8, that is based on APScheduler. just configure your scheduler item in config.yml, minimo will execute your scheduled jobs in blocking mode, which means run in foreground, recommend you to run your project in a docker container. detail information about scheduler setting please refer to APScheduler.


$ mmo start


import minimo

mmo = minimo.Application(


please note that scheduler configured in case/config.yml will not work.