
A networking utility for reading and writing to raw ethernet sockets. [BSD-3 License]

Primary LanguageRustBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Build Status

EtherCat is a networking utility in the style of netcat for reading and writing to raw ethernet sockets on Linux.


cargo build


ethercat <your_ethernet_interface> <dest_mac_address>

Note: You may have to add sudo to this command in order to get permission to create raw ethernet sockets. Wireshark and other tools work around this restriction by creating a packet-capturing user group, but this whole group has root-level permissions, so this approach can be dangerous on production machines.

Usage example

cat README.md | sudo ethercat enp0s31f6 00:00:00:00:00:00

On my development machine, I have an ethernet port under the name enp0s31f6. If you have a live ethernet port (and sudo permissions!) you can see packets appear in Wireshark or other packet monitoring tools.


See LICENSE.txt for the full BSD-3 license text.